Concept of Job Satisfaction and Factor affects Job Satisfaction.
There are many hundred employees work inside the organization.The personality,perception,attitude of employees is variable from one another.Every things of employees put an impact of organization.The over all combination of all these features is known as job satisfaction. Definition of Job Satisfaction- There are many experts define job satisfaction by a number of ways.Some ways are as below- According to Smith-Job Satisfaction is an employee's judgement of how well his job has satisfied his various needs. According to Locker-Job satisfaction is a pleasurable emotional state resulting from the appraisal of one's job or job experiences. According to Keith Davis-Job satisfaction is a set of the favourable or unfavourable feelings with which employees view their work. According to Vroom-Job satisfaction is generally considered to be an individuals perceptual or emotional reaction to importants parts of work. According to me Job Satisfaction is an internal feelings of employees to...