
Showing posts from August, 2020

Concept of Job Satisfaction and Factor affects Job Satisfaction.

 There are many hundred employees work inside the organization.The personality,perception,attitude of employees is variable from one another.Every things of employees put an impact of organization.The over all combination of all these features is known as job satisfaction. Definition of Job Satisfaction- There are many experts define job satisfaction by a number of ways.Some ways are as below- According to Smith-Job Satisfaction is an employee's judgement of how well his job has satisfied his various needs. According to Locker-Job satisfaction is a pleasurable emotional state resulting from the appraisal of one's job or job experiences. According to Keith Davis-Job satisfaction is a set of the favourable or unfavourable feelings with which employees view their work. According to Vroom-Job satisfaction is generally considered to be an individuals perceptual or emotional reaction to importants parts of work. According to me Job Satisfaction is an internal feelings of employees to...

Definition of Human Resource Management by authors

 There are many experts define Human resource management by a number of ways.Some ways are as below- 1.According to Edwin B.Flippo-Human resource management is the planning,organising,directing and controlling of the procurement development compensation integration maintenance and separation of human resource to the end that individual,organisational and social objectives are accomplished. 2.According to Milkovich and Boudreau- Human resource management is a series of intergrated decision that form the employment relationship their quality contributes to the ability of the organisations and the employees to achieve their objectives. 3.According to Decenzo and Robbins Human resource management is concerns with the people dimension in management. 4.According to French wendell-Human resource management is the recritment selection development utilisation of and accommodation to human resources by organisations. 5.According to Gary Dessler- Human resource management is the process of ac...

Concept of Marketing Environment.

    Marketing environment is one of important element of marketing management that plays an important role for making and implementing of marketing policy,programmes,procedure,rules and obtain profit maximization. There are many factors present around marketing that affects the decision of marketing.The combination of all these factors is known as marketing environment. According to Philip Kotler Marketing Environment refers to external factors and forces that affects the company's ability to develop and maintain successful transactions and relationship with its target customers.  According to Pride and Ferrell- Marketing Environment consists of external forces that directly or indirectly influence an organization's acquisition of inputs and generation of outputs. According to me all elements of market that present around them influence market.The combination of all elements is jointly known as marketing environment. In other words we can say that there are many internal ...

Difference between Marketing and selling in Marketing Management..

 Marketing                                                       Selling 1.It is 21st century concept.                           1.It is 20 th century concept. 2.It focus on customers.                                 2.It focues on customers. 3.It is profit oriented concept.                       3.It is quantity oriented. 4.It is long term concept.                               4.It is short term concept. 5.It is used by large scale company.               5.It is used by small scale company. 6.It starts from potent...

Concept of Moral

 Employees are an important element of organization.There are many features of employees play an important role for the growth and success of organization.These features are personality,perception,learning,attitude,communication skill and morale.Among all morale is one of the important features because it helps them to decide what is right or wrong in organization. Definition- The feature that is based on our principle and value and help us to decide what is right or wrong this feature is called moral. In other words we can say that the feature that makes us capable to distinguish right or wrong this feature is moral. According to Cullis-Morality is as beliefs about what is wrong and right,good or bad. According to Santrock-Moral is as rules and conventions about what people should behave in their interactions with other people. According to Slavin-Moral rules that tell people how to communicate with one another and behave how to avoid hurting others and how to get along life gener...

Concept of Interpersonal Communication..

 Communication plays an important role for the survival,growth and success of organization.There are a number of types of communication present in organization.These are formal,informal and interpersonal.Every form of communication plays an important role to perform the function of organization by effective,efficient way.Among all interpersonal communication is one of the best communication because it gives satisfaction,motivation to employees. Definition-The process in which employees share idea,opinion,feelings among one another this process is called interpersonal communication. In other words we can say that the process in which we exchange facts,figure,data,information of work among colleague this process is called interpersonal communication. Nature- There are many nature of interpersonal communication.These nature are as below- 1.It is a natural way. 2.It is a systemic way. 3.It is a two way process. 4.It is a purposeful activity. 5.It is a continuous activity. 6.It may be f...

Role concept

 There are many hundred employees work inside the organization.The power,right,duty,function,responsibility and accountability of employees is variable one another.There are many types of role employees perform in organization.Their role is variable time to time place to place post to post,department to department.This process is called role concept. In other words we can say that there are many role employees perform in organisation.These roles are Manager,senior,junior,colleague etc.Their behaviour,communication skill is variable according to their post.This process is called role concept. Manager-It is the first role of employees in organization.They do planning,organising.staffing,directing,controlling to human resource force for the goal achieving process.They also make policy,programme,rules,regulation to perform the function of organisation by effective and efficient way.They also take many decisions for the development of organisation. Leader-It is the second role we perfor...

Concept of Group dynamics

 Organisation is a collection of many groups.Group is a collection of people who join together to interact one another to achieve common objectives of organisation.There are many factors that play an important role for the success of organisation.These factors are motivation,leadership,cultural and group dynamics.Every factor plays a particular role.Among all group dynamics is one of the important factor that role is very important because it improves the behaviour and attitude of employees. Group- It is collection of two and more than two people who join together to achieve common goal. Dynamics-The process in which groups are formed and functions is called dynamics. Group dynamics-The force that joins people and inspire them to work together this force is called group dynamics. According to Kurt Lewin Group dynamics refers to a system of behaviours and psychological processes occurring within a social group or between social group. According to Cartwright Zandar Group dynamics is...

Concept of leadership

 There are many features every manager possess.These features are communication skill,standard behaviour,sharp brain,commitment and leadership.Every feature plays a unique role to develop organisation.Among all leadership is one of important features that guides influences human resource force to contribute his best for the development of organization. Definition-There are many experts define leadership by a different ways.Some ways are as below- According to Keith Davis Leadership is the ability to persuade others to seek defined objectives enthusiastically.It is human factor which binnds a group together and motivates it towards goals. According to M.Chemers-Leadership is the process of social influence in which one person can enlist the aid and support of others in the accomplishment of a common task. According to John Maxwell-Leadership is influence nothing more,nothing less. According to Bill George-Leadership is leading with heart not just the head.They possess qualities like...

Definition of Motivation by experts and me

 There are many experts define motivation by different ways.Some ways are as below- According to Woodworth-Motivation is the state of the individuals which disposes him to certain behaviour for seeking goal. According to B.F.Skinner-Motivation in school learning involves arousing persisting,sustaining and directing desirable behaviour. According to Cheng-Motivation is defined as the power that triggers action that follows. According to Hays and Hill- Motivation can be defined as the desire to achieve some goal. According to Resnick Motivation is defined as the inner urge that moves or prompts. According to McDonough Motivation is what moves us to act. According to me Motivation is the process that inspires influences us to do all things to achieve goal. In other words we can say that Motivation is the process of consuming,using all knowledge,talent,skill,wisdom,experience to perform our function by effective,efficient way to crush competition and achieve objective.

Importance of motivation

 Every manager performs many functions for the achieving objectives of organization.These functions are planning,organising,staffing,directing,controlling,motivating and so on.Every function plays an important and unique role.Among all Motivation is one of the important function because it increases knowledge,talent,skill,wisdom of human resource force and inspire them to contribute their best for the development of organisation. Importance of Motivation- The importance of motivation is very wide.Some important point is as below- 1.It improves the performance of human resource force. 2.It improves the attitude of human resource force towards work,job and organisation. 3.It reduces absenteeism of employees. 4.It helps person to achieve his personal goal. 5.It increases the efficiency of employees. 6.It changes personality,perception of employees. 7.It increases the leadership quality of employees. 8.It increases the productivity of employees. 9.It improves interpersonal relation of ...

Concept of Perception and factor affect perception

 There are many factors of individuals play an important role in survive,grow and develop in organization.These factors are personality,perception,learning and attitude.Every factor plays an important role and its contribution is different from one another.Among all perception is the second factor that plays a very important to develop individuals. Perception is the view of individuals towards anythings.In other words we can say that the process in which we see observe and interpret anythings towards any topic this process is called Perception. In other words we can say that the process in which we hear select and interpret anythings this process is called Perception. According to Udai Pareek -Perception is the process of receiving selecting,organising,interpreting,checking,and reacting to sensory stimuli. According to RobbinsPerception is the process by which individuals organize and interpret sensory impressions in order to give meaning to their environments. Factor affect Percep...

Concept of Attitude Factors affect Attitude

 Attitude is one of an important features that plays an important role for the growth and development of individuals.It is the way of responding towards anythings.The individuals whose response positive towards all things their development is maximum and long term. Definition- There are many experts define attitude by a number of ways.Some ways are as below- According to Gordon Allport-Attitude is an approach towards mental and neurogicial state,conducted through experience which enhances an instruction or dynamic effect on a person's response to all objects and situations,with which it is related. According to Anastasi Attitude is a tendency to react favorably or unfavorably towards a designated class of stimuli,such as a national or racial group, a custom or an institution. According to me Attitude is the internal feelings of individuals towards anythings. Nature- There are many natures of attitude.These natures are as below- 1.It is an internal felling. 2.It may be positive or n...

Factor affect Personality

There are many factors affect personality.These factors are as below- 1.Personal factor-It is the first factor that affects the personality of individuals.Every individual has its own caste,colour,gender,age,religion and so on.If all these things are standard the personality of individual is perfect whereas if all these things are not standard the personality of individual is dull. 2.Social factor-It is the second factor that decides the personality of individual.Every individual lives in society.There are many elements of society.These elements are family,neighbour,family,relatives and so on.There are many lessons,principles,value individuals learn from society.If society is develop,advance individual learn modern lesson and his personality becomes standard whereas if society is undevelop they teach low lesson to individual and the personality of individual become dull. 3.Biological factor-It is a natural factor that decides the personality of individual.Every individual has 23 pairs ...

Definition of Personality by experts and us

Personality is one of the first and main important factor that plays an important role for the performing managerial function of Manager.There are many experts define personality by many ways.Some ways are as below- According to Lundberg-Personality refers to the habits,attitudes and other social traits that are characteristics of a given individual's behaviour. According to Linton Personality embraces the total organised aggregate of psychological processes and status pertaining to the individuals. According to J.F.Dashiell-Personality is the sum total of behaviour trends manifested in social adjustments. According to me -Personality is the collection of knowledge,talent,skill,wisdom,experience that is showed by working style,behaviour and communication of individual. In other words we can say that personality is the process of interacting other person and inspire them towards us.

Concept and characteristics of Personality

 Management is the process of measuring man according to need,want,function and objective of organization.There are a number of features Manager see in candidates in managerial process.These features are Personality,Perception,learning,attitude,communication skill,leadership quality etc.Among all Personality is the first and main important feature that is seen in the process of recruiting and staffing in the organisation. The word Personality is derived from the Greek word Persona which means to speak through.It is combination of all features that gives an identification in society or group. Characteristics of Personality- There are many characteristics of Personality.These characteristics are as below- 1.It is a broad concept. 2.It is not seen only feel. 3.It is unique. 4.It belongs to quality of individuals. 5.It is dynamic. 6.It is influenced many things. 7.It consists knowledge, feelings,thoughts etc. 8.It belongs biological base of individual. 9.It is shaped many things like s...

Concept of Controlling, Nature ,Purpose.

Controlling is the last and very important function of Manager because it gives an opportunity to find out deviation between actual performance and standard performance and make policy,programme to remove deviation and achieved goal. *Definition- There are many scholars define Controlling by a number of ways.Some ways are as below-     * According to koontz o Donnel- Controlling is the measurement and correction of performance activities of sub ordinates in order to make sure that the enterprise objectives and plans desired to obtain them as being accomplished.     * According to Thew Hairmann- Controlling is the process of checking whether or not proper progress is being made towards the objectives and goals and acting if necessary to correct any deviation.     * According to Dale Henning- Controlling is the process of bringing about conformity of performance with planned action.     * According to Me- Controlling is the process of compairing act...

Type & step of Controlling.

There are many types of controlling. Some important type are as below-      1. Feedback Control- It is the first type of controlling. The process in which we gather facts, figure, data of previous problem and solution and implementition future if similar problems happen again.                 In other word we can say that feedback control is an art to collect, gather, analyze data and implement it in future to solve problem and make functions more effective, efficient, economical to achieve goal.     2.  Feed forward control- It is the second type of controlling. It is also an important & advance control. The process in which we forecast, anticipate, coming, problem in the function of business and stop remove by policy, programme, rules, regulation this process is called feed forward control.     3. Concurrent Controlling- It is also an important type of controlling. The process in which we che...

Training and Development Objective Importance

 Training  and development is an important function of  staffing. It helps human resourse to learn and acquire new knowledge , skill and perform their function by professionaly and contribute their best foe the growth of organisation . *Training- It is the process of enhancing knowledge , skill , talent , attitute of human resourse force. According to Edvin B.Flippo- Traning is the act of increasing the knowledge and skill of an employee for doing a particular job. According to jucius- Training is used to indicate only the process by which the aptitudes, skill and ability of employee to perform speeific jobs is increased. * Development - It is the process of making human resourse force for future function . In other words we  can say that development is a process of creating growing positive change of employees towards their function to achive goal. * Objective - 1. To boost the perfomance of employee. 2. To  expand knowledge , talent, skill wisdom of employee. ...

Concept of Motivation Natures,Features,Characteristics,Importance.

 Motivation is an important function of Manager that encourages employees to contribute their best for the success and growth  of Organisation so every Manager performs motivation at continuous basis. Definition- There are many scholars define motivation by a number of ways.Some ways are as below- According to William G.Scott-Motivation means a process of stimulating people to action to accomplish desired goals. According to Flippo- Motivation is the process of attempting to influnce others to do your will through the possibility of gains or reward. According to B.F.Skinner Motivation in school learning involves arousing persisting sustaining and directing desirable behaviour. According to Woodworth-Motivation is the state of the individual which disposes him to certain behaviour for seeking goal. According to Dublin-Motivation is the complex of forces starting and keeping a person at work in an organisation. Natures/Features/Characteristics- There are many natures/Features/Ch...

Performance Appraisal Nature,Feature,Characteristics,Objective.

 Performance Appraisal is one of the most important function of manager for the survival,growth and profit maximization of organisation because they assess the actual actual performance of employees against expected performance to perform further function of staffing like award,reward,promote,transfer,promotion of employees. Definition- There are many scholars define Performance Appraisal many ways.Some ways are as below- According to Heyel-Performance Appraisal is the process of evaluating the performance and qualifications of the employees in terms of the requirements of the job for which he is employed for purpose of administration including placement,selecting for promotion providing financial rewards and other actions which require differential treatment among the members of the groups as distinguished from actions affecting all members equally. According to Flippo- Performance Appraisal is the systematic periodic and an impartial rating of an employee's excellence in matters ...

Selection Nature,Objective

 Selection is one of the most important function of Staffing that is performed by Manager to choose best,capable,talented candidates for the fulfill vacant post of organisation. Definition-There are many experts define Selection by a number of different ways.Some ways are as below- According to Dale Yolder- Selection is the process by which candidates for employment are divided into classes those who will be offered employment and those who will not. According to R.M.Hodgetts Selection is the process in which enterprises choose the applicants who best meet the criteria for the available position. According to Harold Koontz Selection is the process of chhosing from the candidates from within the organization or from outsides the most suitable person for the current position . According to David and Robbins Selection process is a managerial decision making process as to predict which job applicants will be successful if hired. According to me Selectin is the process of choosing one o...

Types of Recruitment

 There are two types of recuitment . One is internal recruitment and second is external recuritment  1.Internal recruitment- It is the first type of recruitment. The employees who work inside the organisation they are promote higher post The process i called internal recruitment. 2. External recruitment - It is the second type of recruitment. The process in which we hire capable candidates outside the organisation this type of recuirement is called external recuirement. * Source of internal recruitment -  There are three sources of recruitment . These are transfer, promotion, reemployment. Transfer-It is the first sourse of internal recruitment. The process in which working employees are promote for one place into other place at similar post or current position to higher position this process is called transfer. *Promotion - It is the second source of internal recruitment. The process in which employees are promote current position to higher position. This process is call...

Difference between Recruitment and Selection

 Recruitment                                         Selection

Recruitment Nature,Objective

 Staffing  is an important function of management  that is used to grow and achive the goal of organisation.There are a number of functions involve in staffing process. These functions are human resourse planning, recruitment, selection, training and performance appraisal. Among all recruitment is the second and most important function of staffing. According to keith davis- Recruitment is the process of finding and attracting capable applicants for employment. The process begins when new recruits are sought and ends when their applications are submitted .  According to edwin B.flippo- Recruitment is the process of searching for prospective employees and stimulating them to apply for jobs in the organization . According to me Recruitment is the process of searching and hiring talented, capable and qua;ified candidates towards orgnisation at right time. In other words we can say that Recruitment is the process of attracting, shortlisting interviewing and choosing one o...

Objective of Business.

The objective of business is very wide because it covers the whole universe but some important objectives we may classify under following cateogries. Economic objectives- Business is an economic activities that is performed on the behalf of money to provide product and service to fulfill the need want desire of customers so its economic objective is as below- To earn profit-Profit is life blood of organization.It plays an important role to survive growth and expandation so every organization wants to earn maximum profit. Optimum utilisation of resource-Every organization has less resource whereas they have to perform maximum function so they want to use their resource in such type of way that every function subfunction performs by effective efficient way so optimum utilisation. Survival- It is also an important objective of Business todays market is full of competition every large scale company, multi national company produce every type of product and present every cornerof the world...

Feature of Joint Hindu Family.

We know that business is a universal function that is performed every corner of the world to fulfill the need,desire,demand,want of people to increase their living standard.There are many forms of business.These are Sole Propritiership, Partnership,Joint Hindu Family, Joint Stock Company,Cooperative Socities and so on.Every form of business has its own merit,demerit,features application and so on.Among all Joint Hindu Family is one of the popular form of business.It is present and popoular in India and other country,continent where Hindu live. A Joint Hindu Family is a group of relatives tied together by ties of kinship and marriage and descended from a common ancestor.It consists children, children's children down the line spouses. * Features of Joint Hindu Family - There are many features of Joint Hindu Family.These features are as below- Natural Formation- It is created natural. It can not be formed by any agreement or contract. No registration require- It is second features of ...

What is Staffing & it's Steps.

 There are many Functions Manager performs. These Functions are Planning, Staffing, Directing & Controlling. Every Function is important & plays an important role for the growth & profit maximization of organisation. Among all Staffing  is one of them. Staffing is the process of hiring appropriate candidate for appropriate post to get their best talent, knowledge, skill, wisdom,to make the function of organisation more effective, efficient to achieve goal.   In other words we can say that staffing is the process of  recruiting, selecting, taining of Human Resource Force to make organisation more productive and earn maximum profit. * Steps of Staffing- There are many steps of Staffing. These steps are as below- To estimate Human Resource Force- It is the first steps of Staffing process. We forecast required number of  Human resource force. In this process we calculate the features of Human Resource force like  knowledge, talent, skill, wisdom, ex...

Human Resource Planning & it's Objectives.

 Planning is an important function of Manager that is made for the growth and profit maximization of organisation. Planning may be different type. Human resource Planning is one of them. The Planning that is made to fulfill future Human Resource need and make our function more effective, efficient to achieve our goal this type of planning is called Human resource Planning.    In other words we can say that Human Resource Planning is an advance function of  Staffing that is made to make organisation more effective, efficient to crush competition and achieve goal. * Nature- It is an internal function of manager. It belongs to staffing. It is forecasting based function. It is future oriented function. It is a formal function. It is a scientific function. It cares every aspects of Human resource force. It is anticipation approach. It is a global approach. * Objective- Adequate Supply- It is the first objective of Human Resource Planning. It ensures adequate supply of Hum...

What is Organising Nature importance

We know that Management plays an important role in the development and goal achiving process of Company in 21st century because today's world is full of competition.There are a number of functions we performs in Management.These functions are Planning,Organising,Staffing,Directing,Controlling and so on.Every function is important and play a unique role to perform the function of business by effective,efficient,economical way.Among all Organising is the second and most important function because it divides available human resource force in such type of way that optimum utilisation of human resource force possible inside the organisation. Definition- There are a number of ways expert defines Organising.Some ways are as below- According to Theo Haimann-Organising is the process of defining and grouping the activites of the enterprise and establishing the authority relationship among them. According to Louis Allen-Organising is the process of identifying and grouping the work to be per...

Base,Method,Type of Departmentation

 There are many bases,methods,types of Depatmentation.Some bases are as below- 1.Departmentation by Function-It is the first base of departmentation.There are a number of functions every organisation performs.These functions are production,demand,forcasting,supplying,pricing,advertising,ware houseing,communcating,trading,distributing,financing and so on,The process in which we perform departmentation according to performing function this type of departmentation is called departmentation by function. Merit- 1.It is a logical method. 2.It is based on principle of specialization. 3.It helps to define authority and responsibility. 4.It helps effective controlling. 5.It is beneficial for large scale company. Demerits- 1.Employees do best for their function.They do not do best for the growth of organisation. 2.There is maximum problem in coordination between two departments. 3.Top class managers are responsible for every problem of department. 4.It is not useful small scale organisation....

Departmentation and its importance

 According to Koontz and O'Donnel Organisation involves the grouping of activities necessary to accomplish goals and plans the assignment of the activities to appropriate departments and the provision of authority,delegation and coordination so deparmentation plays an important role in Organizing. There are a numbers of activities,subactivities organisation to survive,grow and success in business'world.Departmentation is the process of arranging all activities,subactivities according to department wise for better administration this process is called Departmentation. According to Koontz and O'Donnell-A department is a distinct area,division of an enterprises over which performance of specificd activities. According to me Departmentation is a means of dividing the large and monolithic functional organisation into smaller flexible administrative units. Importance of departmentation There are many importance of departmentation.Some importance are as below- 1.It increases the e...

Step or Process of Organising

 We know thatt Organizing is the process of defining determing and grouping the activities of the Organisation and performing a formal way to achive objectives.There are a number of steps in organising.These steps are as below- 1.To decide objectives-It is the first step of organizing.There may be many objectives before organisation.These may be Survival,Sales revenue maximization,Profit maximisation and so on.Among all we choose one of the objectives that we want to achieve. 2.To divide function-It is the second step of organizing.It is done after deciding the objectives of the firm.There are many functions we perform to achieve objectives.Every function consists many activities,sub activities,actions etc.In this process we divide functions among sub functions activities and so on. 3.To classify activities-Every sub activities consists many actions.There are many sub activities connected to one another.In this process we arrange actions sub activities according to systmatic way. 4...

Letter of Acceptance

we know that every organisation has a family Employ,management,trade union, distribution channel, share holder are the member of family whenever any function like annuual function ,silver jublee  ,diamond jubilee to inaugrate a new producton house to launch new product and so on. We invite the member of our family ,when we get a letter from our organisation ,company , institute family we feel much happy because I fell proud of myself.After feeling proud and happy. i write a letter to our boss that they are very thanks to understand to invite me to participate in this programme this type of letter is known as letter of acceptance. in other words we can say that it is also an important type of letter, whenever I was invited by my institution, organisation,company I feell very happy.after feeling happy and proud  I send a  lettet to director, boss, manager and provide thanks for inviting to me. This type of letter is known  as letter of acceptance. Ex  you are the ...

Function of Banking

Banking plays an important role in contributing economic growth through financing infrastructure,agricultural,industry,local manufacture and so on. A bank is a financial organization that performs deposit and lending of money according to rules regulation of R.B.I.for the development of economy. Function of Banking- There are many functions of Banking.These functions are as below- 1.To accept deposit-It is the first function of Bank.They accept deposit from person,organization,company and return more money according to need of customers.They accept deposit as Current deposit,Saving deposit,Fixed deposit,Recurring deposit etc. 2.To provide loan-It is the second and popular function of Bank.They provide loan to Person,Personnel,Organisation,Company to perform their function by effective,efficient way.They provide short term loan,middle term loan,long term loan.They charge interest on loan according to rules,regulation,law of R.B.I.It is the main source of income of Bank.The loan charge i...

Business Combination and its Form

Every company wants to minimise competition and increases its size,growth to earn maximum profit.There are a number of techniques to achive such goal.Business Combination is one of popular technique to increase the strength,size and earn maximum profit. There are a number of scholars define Business Combinations by different ways.Some ways are as below- According to L.H.Haney-To combine is simply to become one of the parts of a whole and a combination is merely a union of persons to make a whole or group for the prosecution of some common purpose is called Business Combination. According to me Business Combination is an association of organisation for the achievement a big goal. In other words we can say that Business Combination of an association of two and more than two organisations that operates in same sectors or concern sectors to minimise competition and increase profit. Nature- There are a number of natures of Business Combination.These natures are as below- 1.It is temporary o...

Super Market

Super Market is also an innovative retailing of 19th century.It is very popular in European continent.Now a days it is very popular in Asian Continent specially India and China. It is an advance  way of retailing where products are arranged in such type of way that customers select product according to their own need,desire,demand and purchase it. Features- There are a number of features of Super Market.These features are as below- 1.It works self service basis. 2.It provides many methods of transaction. 3.Its product price is genuine. 4.It possess long range of product. 5.It possess separate department for many products. Advantage- There are many advantages of Super Market.These advantages are as below- 1.It presents main market of city.

Claim and Adjustment letter

It is also an important  type of letter. Whenever any customer purchase any product from  Manufactures and find out any fault in product and its quality, quantity, shape, size, colour, outlook, internal feature, taste, style, packaging. They  write a letter to saler or Manufacture to adjust it into bill. This type of letter is know as Claim and Adjustment letter.                                                            In other words we can say that Claim and Adjustment letter is also an important type of business letter. It helps to  share our problem about product or products quality, quantity, shape, size, colour, outlook and adjust it in bill so business is performed by effective, efficient and fast way.  * Specimen   Claim and Adjustment letter;-              ...

Insurance and its Function

 Insurance plays an important role in contributing economic growth through minimizing the risk of  life and property of insured person and organization. According to maclean insurance is a method of spreading over a large number of persons a possible financial loss too serious to be conveniently borne by an individual.  Insurance is a legal agreement between two parties. One party may be person ,personnel or organization second party may be private company or government company.  In other words we can say that insurence is a legal agreement between Insurer and insured in which insured pay premium to insured and insured cover insurence risk.  * There are many functions of insurance. These functions are as below;-  1. To minimise risk;- It is the first of function of Insurance.  Every business has risk. Higher the inverstment of business higher the risk in business.  Insurence minimise the risk of business.  2. To minimise uncertainty - Future ...

Departmental Store, Features,Function,Limitation

There are a number of orgnations originated in 19 th century that chang the selling pattern of production and service in European continent. It gives maximum facalites so it became popular all other continent of world. It came india in the last decade of 19th century. These organisations are Departmental Store, Multiple Shops and Super Market. Among all Departmental Store is the first and very popular organisation because it provides many new facalities so elite class people high income group , working professional always purchase product and service from here.  The first concept of a Departmental Store originated European. Bonn Marche is the first Departmental Store of the world. While hair and military department store are the first departmental store that starts in Bombay in the last decade of twenty centuary.  *  There are many feature of Departmental Store. These features are as below;-  1. It is located in the centure of town. 2. It provides a very wide range o...