Performance Appraisal Nature,Feature,Characteristics,Objective.

 Performance Appraisal is one of the most important function of manager for the survival,growth and profit maximization of organisation because they assess the actual actual performance of employees against expected performance to perform further function of staffing like award,reward,promote,transfer,promotion of employees.


There are many scholars define Performance Appraisal many ways.Some ways are as below-

According to Heyel-Performance Appraisal is the process of evaluating the performance and qualifications of the employees in terms of the requirements of the job for which he is employed for purpose of administration including placement,selecting for promotion providing financial rewards and other actions which require differential treatment among the members of the groups as distinguished from actions affecting all members equally.

According to Flippo- Performance Appraisal is the systematic periodic and an impartial rating of an employee's excellence in matters pertaining to his present job and his potential for a better job.

According to Gomej Mejia-Performance Appraisal involves the identification,measyrement and management of human performance in organisation.

According to Slabbert and Swanepoel Performance appraisal is a formal and systematic process by means of which the relevant strengths and weakness of the employees are identified,measured,recorded and developed.

According to me Performance Appraisal is the process of knowing the contribution of human resource forceaccording to expectation of managers.

In other words we can say that Performance Appraisal is the process of measuring,managing man for optimum utilisation of  for the growth of organisation.


There are many natures/characteristics/features of performance appraisal.These are as below-

1.It is a wide concept.

2.It is an internal function of managers.

3.It is a formal function.

4.It is future oriented activity.

It is a systemic approach.

6.It is goal oriented activity.

7.It cares positive and negative features of employees.

8.It is a continous activity.

9.9.It is a pre planned activity.

10.It is a psychological activity.

Objectives-There are many objectives of performance appraisal.These objectives are as below-

1.To optimum utilisation of human resource force.

2.To provide opportunity to talented capable employees.

3.To provide feedback to employees about their positive,negative features.

4.To take other function of staffing like transfer,promotion,demotion,job enlargement,job enrichment etc.

5.To improve the performance of employees.

6.To motivate employees towads their function,job.

7.To provide training to poor performer employees.

8.To implement effective communication between Employee and employer.

9.To develop future managers leaders of organisation.

10.To boost the prtformance of employees.

So we can say that Performance Appraisal is an important function of Manager that is used to measure analyze the performance of employees and reomove the weakness of employees and make them more capable to contribute their best for the development of organisation.


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