Departmental Store, Features,Function,Limitation

There are a number of orgnations originated in 19 th century that chang the selling pattern of production and service in European continent. It gives maximum facalites so it became popular all other continent of world. It came india in the last decade of 19th century. These organisations are Departmental Store, Multiple Shops and Super Market. Among all Departmental Store is the first and very popular organisation because it provides many new facalities so elite class people high income group , working professional always purchase product and service from here. 
The first concept of a Departmental Store originated European. Bonn Marche is the first Departmental Store of the world. While hair and military department store are the first departmental store that starts in Bombay in the last decade of twenty centuary. 
*  There are many feature of Departmental Store. These features are as below;- 
1. It is located in the centure of town.
2. It provides a very wide range of products and services. 
3. It provides shopping facality under one roof.
4. It provides high quality of goods and services. 
5. It has a centralised management.
6. Its infrastures are very advance modern like air condition.
7. It provides modern facalities of transaction.
8. It provides parking facalities so most member of family participate in purchasing process. 
9. It provides computer billing system.
10. It saves time, energy, effort of customer so customers are always attract towards them. 
11. It possess a group of experts who care, watch every activity of store.
* Functions ;- 
1. It provides carry facality like basket , trolley to travle one department to other department.
2. Its packing is very good/advance that protect the features of product and servises.
3. It provides self servise facality that is maximum like by customers.
4. It provides product and servise of national and international brand.
5. It always proviodes different type of offer that gives psychological satisfaction to customers.
6. It also provides door delivery servise that is convenience to customers.
7. Its salesmanship is very trained that satisfied customers. 
8. It provides all products and servise that is needed by elite class, rich and working family. 
* Demerits
1. It has a high operational cost. 
2. The price of product or servise is higher than any other retail shop.
3. It is not beneficial for poor and less income group people.
4. It does not provide non branded products and servise so it is not beneficial to common man .
5. Its establised cost is very high so most people who want to start a business do not found fit toward it. 


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