Concept of Marketing Environment.

    Marketing environment is one of important element of marketing management that plays an important role for making and implementing of marketing policy,programmes,procedure,rules and obtain profit maximization.

There are many factors present around marketing that affects the decision of marketing.The combination of all these factors is known as marketing environment.

According to Philip Kotler Marketing Environment refers to external factors and forces that affects the company's ability to develop and maintain successful transactions and relationship with its target customers. 

According to Pride and Ferrell- Marketing Environment consists of external forces that directly or indirectly influence an organization's acquisition of inputs and generation of outputs.

According to me all elements of market that present around them influence market.The combination of all elements is jointly known as marketing environment.

In other words we can say that there are many internal and external force present around market.The combination of all these forces is jointly known as marketing environment.

Nature -There are many nature of marketing environment.These nature are as below-

1.It is a changeable force.

2.It is dynamic.

3.It consists internal and external forces.

4.It may be formal or informal.

5.It is flexible.

6.It is positive or negative.

7.It is wide and broad concept.

8.It consists universal forces.

9.It consists specific and general forces.

10.It is uncertain.


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