Concept of Attitude Factors affect Attitude

 Attitude is one of an important features that plays an important role for the growth and development of individuals.It is the way of responding towards anythings.The individuals whose response positive towards all things their development is maximum and long term.

Definition- There are many experts define attitude by a number of ways.Some ways are as below-

According to Gordon Allport-Attitude is an approach towards mental and neurogicial state,conducted through experience which enhances an instruction or dynamic effect on a person's response to all objects and situations,with which it is related.

According to Anastasi Attitude is a tendency to react favorably or unfavorably towards a designated class of stimuli,such as a national or racial group, a custom or an institution.

According to me Attitude is the internal feelings of individuals towards anythings.

Nature- There are many natures of attitude.These natures are as below-

1.It is an internal felling.

2.It may be positive or negative.

3.It has many aspects.

4.It consists all feelings of individuals.

5.It is based on past experience of individuals.

6.It is variable approach.

7.It may be favorable or unfavorable.

8.It is a complex combination of many things like knowledge,beliefs,value etc.

Factor affect attitude-

There are many factors that affect the attitude of individuals.These factors are as below-

1.Experience-It is the first factor that affects attitude of individuals,We know that experience teachs us many things.The individuals whose experience is maximum their attitude is positive towards all things.

2.Institutions-Every individuals takes education from different schools,colleges,university etc.All these institutions teach him many lessons.If they learn perfect lessions their attitude is positive towards all things.

4.Cultral-It is also an important factor that affects the attitude of individuals.Every cultural has many positive features,value,principles etc.If individuals learn well from his cultural his attitude is positive towards all things

4.Emotional level-Every individuals has emotion.The level of emotion is variables from person to person.The individuals whose emotion level is low their attitude is positive towards all things.

5.Personnel- Every individuals contact many people.These people are seniors colleague boss,managers and so on.If individuals contact all these people and learn many things his attitude becomes positive.


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