Difference between Marketing and selling in Marketing Management..
Marketing Selling
1.It is 21st century concept. 1.It is 20 th century concept.
2.It focus on customers. 2.It focues on customers.
3.It is profit oriented concept. 3.It is quantity oriented.
4.It is long term concept. 4.It is short term concept.
5.It is used by large scale company. 5.It is used by small scale company.
6.It starts from potential customers. 6.It starts from factory.
7.It is wide concept. 7.It is a narrow concept.
8.It is an international concept. 8.It is a national concept.
9.It provides maximum satisfaction. 9.It fulfills need want and desire.
10.It prefers customers rather than product. 10.It prefers product rather than customers.
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