Types of Recruitment

 There are two types of recuitment . One is internal recruitment and second is external recuritment 

1.Internal recruitment- It is the first type of recruitment. The employees who work inside the organisation they are promote higher post The process i called internal recruitment.

2. External recruitment - It is the second type of recruitment. The process in which we hire capable candidates outside the organisation this type of recuirement is called external recuirement.

* Source of internal recruitment - 

There are three sources of recruitment . These are transfer, promotion, reemployment.

Transfer-It is the first sourse of internal recruitment. The process in which working employees are promote for one place into other place at similar post or current position to higher position this process is called transfer.

*Promotion - It is the second source of internal recruitment. The process in which employees are promote current position to higher position. This process is called promotion.

* Reemployeement;- It is also an important source of recruitment. The process in which we hire ex employees of organisation again accorging to new rules, regulation, law this process is called reemployment.

*Sourse  of external recruitment ;-There are many sources of external recruitment . These sourses are advertisment.

* Advertisment;- It is the first and popular source of external recruitment. we publish advertisement in newspaper, maganize, in which all essential details involved.

* Employment exchange-It is also an important source of recuirement . It is very popular in 20th century . Central government estiblesed employment exchange in every district of country. we contact employment exchange and attract candidates.

*Employment agency- There are many employment agency present in every country. These agencies possess large number of job seekers. We contact employment agency and hire candidates . It is popular technique in 20th century. 

* Factory gate - It is used for workers who work daily basis.

There are many workers who need work come at the gate of factory everyday. We hire workers according to our terms condition.

* Walk-in -Internview- It is very popular source of external recruitment. There are many thousand technical, professional, vocational collegs in every country . We contact any college ,institutions and hire candidates according to our need, function for one year.

* Recommendation - It is also a source of external recruitment. There are many employees work in the orgnisation. They know a number of job seekers. They recommend any capable candidates towards organisation.

All are important sources of recruitment. 


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