Training and Development Objective Importance

 Training  and development is an important function of  staffing. It helps human resourse to learn and acquire new knowledge , skill and perform their function by professionaly and contribute their best foe the growth of organisation .

*Training- It is the process of enhancing knowledge , skill , talent , attitute of human resourse force. According to Edvin B.Flippo- Traning is the act of increasing the knowledge and skill of an employee for doing a particular job. According to jucius- Training is used to indicate only the process by which the aptitudes, skill and ability of employee to perform speeific jobs is increased.

* Development - It is the process of making human resourse force for future function . In other words we  can say that development is a process of creating growing positive change of employees towards their function to achive goal.

* Objective -

1. To boost the perfomance of employee.

2. To  expand knowledge , talent, skill wisdom of employee.

3. To make human resourse force more creative .

4.  To acquire new knowledge ,skill .

5. To increase the productivity of orgnation .

6. To develop future manager and leaders of organisation.

7. To increase job satisfaction of employees.

8. To retain talented personnel inside organisation.

9. To optimum  utilisation of human resourse  force.

10. To improve quality of work .

* Importance ;-

1. It improves the perfomance of employees. 

2. It increase the productivity of organisation. 

3. It increase the satisfaction level of employee. 

4.It increase the morale of employeess . 

5. It maintain the level of knowledge ,talent, skill,wisdom of employees.

6. It reduce accidents inside orgnation .

7. It increase the growth of person ,personnel and organisation.

8. It ensures proper placement.

9. It increase the  creativity of employees.

10. It helps optimum utilization of human resourse force.


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