Multiple Shops or Chain Store Features Advantage Disadvantage
Multiple shopes are also called Chain Store . It is a retail shop that provides standard product at appopriate price. It is called Multiple Shops in European continent whereas it is also called chain store in U.S.A. * Feature;- 1. It operates single management. 2. The price of product is fix. 3. It posses less range of products. 4. Its product is standred. 5. It possess many retail orgnations. 6. It provides only cash transaction. *Advantage ;- There are many advantage of multiple shopes. These advantage are as below- 1. Perfect price- It is the first advantage of multiple shops. Manufactures supply a very large quantity of goods to shops so its price is perfect. 2. Maximum sale- It is the second advantage of Multiple shops. They are present near the common people. Its price is genuine so its sale is maximum . 3. No middleman- There is a direct relationship between Manufactures and customers so there is no middle man like wholesalers, Dist...