
Showing posts from July, 2020

Multiple Shops or Chain Store Features Advantage Disadvantage

Multiple shopes are also called Chain Store . It is a retail shop that provides standard product at appopriate price. It is called Multiple Shops in European continent whereas it is also called chain store in U.S.A. * Feature;-  1. It operates single management. 2. The price of product is fix. 3. It posses less range of products.  4. Its product is standred. 5. It possess many retail orgnations.  6. It provides  only cash transaction. *Advantage ;-  There are many advantage of multiple shopes. These advantage are as below-  1. Perfect price- It is the first advantage of multiple shops. Manufactures supply a very large quantity of goods to shops so its price is perfect.  2. Maximum sale- It is the second advantage of Multiple shops. They are present near the common people. Its price is genuine so its sale is maximum . 3. No middleman- There is a direct  relationship between Manufactures and customers so there is no middle man like wholesalers, Dist...

Function of Retailers

Distribution Channels play an important role to distribute prodduct from one place to other place.There are a number of elements of distribution channels.These elements are Wholesalers,Retailers,Distributors etc. Every element plays an important role in the process of distributing product and services.Retailers are the second element whose role is very important because they are direct contact of Customers and convice them an effective way.Their functions are as below- 1.Assembling-It is the first function of Retailers.They purchase product or Services from different Wholesalers and assemble products at one place like their shop or showroom.They sell product or services according to need,want of Customers. 2.To sell Product-It is the second function of Retailers.They sell product or service in the form of small quantity.In this way they fulfill the need,want,desire of customers to purchase and use every type of product. 3.Grading and Packaging- It is also an important function of Retai...

Low Productivity and efficiency in Public Enterprises

We know that Public Enterprises play an important role for the development of India.India gets independence in 1947.In this time India is undevelop country.Public Enterprises oerform their function by a world class way so India becomes developing country and very soon it becomes develop country.But there are many causes of low productivity of Public Enterprises.These causes are as below- 1.Poor planning-It is the first cause of low Productivity of Public Enterprises.There are many Public Enterprises are established due to regional development of country.Before establishedment proper planning is not made so the production of Publec Enterprises is low. 2.Over capitalization-There are many public Enterprises whose established cost is maximum.Due to maximum investment its product's cost is maximum so its productivity is low because the demand of their product is minimum in market. 3.Overstaffing-It is the third problem of Public Enterprises.There are many hundreds employees work in Pub...

Functions and Organisations of Wholesale

Distribution channels play an important role to distribute product from producers to consumers. There are a number of elements of distribution channels. These elements are wholesalers, retailers, distributor and so on.  Every element plays a different role in the process of distributing. Wholesalers are the first element of distribution channels. Their functions are as below: 1. Assembling : It is the first function of wholesaling. A wholesales buy product from different producers store products and sell according to need of retailers. 2. Warehousing : It is the second function of wholesalers. Every product requires particular type of environment, space, place etc. Wholesalers arrange all these things and store products. 3. Transportation : Transportation is an essential element of business wholesalers arrange transportation facilities and distribute products from store to shop/ retailers. 4. Financing : Wholesalers provide advance money to producer in advance to perform their func...

Public Enterprises in India and their main Contribution

We know that Public Enterprises are established owned and controlled by Union Government or State Government or any Territorial government.There are many contribution of Public Enterprises for the development of India.These contributions are as below- 1.Capital Formation-The Public Enterprises play a very important role to formulate of capital.In the period of First five year plan they formulate more than 50 percent of total investment. 2.Employment generation-It is the second contribution of Public Enterprises for the development of India.They generate many thousands job every year.There are two thirds of total employment of organised sectors generated by Public Sectors. 3.Regional development-There are a number of regions like North India,Eastern India that do not possess much land,raw material,water,finance so Private Enterprises do not want to established their business in these region.Pubic Enterprises are established all these regions and make regional development of country. 4.T...

Rational of Public Enterprises

 Public Enterprises possess an important position in the development of every economy but they possess a very important role in socialist and mixed economy. The Enterprises that are established owned, controlled by Union Government,or one of the states of Central Government or both these types of Enterprises are called Public Enterprises. In other words we can say that the Enterprises whose 51 percent share owned by Union Government or State Government or any Territorial Government theese types of Enterprises are called Public Enterprises. Rational of Public Enterprises- There are a number of rationals of Public Enterprises.These rationals are as below- 1.To provide basic infrastructure-It is the first rational of Public Enterprises.There are a number of basic infrastructure required to develop economy.These infrastructures are Road,Railway,Electricity, Telecommunication,etc.Public Enterprises are established to provide all these basic infrastructures. 2.To develop core sectors-The...

Concept of Joint Stock Company its feature

We know that business is a lawful activities that is performed according to rules regulation of concern government to increase the living  standrad of common people.  There are a number of forms of business organization. These forms are sole proprietorship,partnership, cooperative societies, joint hindu family, joint stock company etc.  Every  form has its own merit, demerit,application . Among all Joint Stock Company is one of the best and popular  from because it is only form  that has limited liability.  Joint stock company is voluntary association of people who contributes their capital in the form of shares to carry on a certain type of business for earning profit.  Features of Joint Stock Company  There are many features of Joint Stock Company.These features are as beow. 1. Voluntary Association of people -It is the first feature of joint stock company . It is a voluntary association of people  who invest their money to earn profit...

Concept of Sales letter

It is also an important type of letter. It belongs to marketing sector. If any organisation that wants to sale his product to customer, consumer ,organisation , govrenment ,government agencies, government department  they write a letter to above explain element and explain the feature, function , role, price of product. This type of letter is know as Sales letter . * In other words we can say that sales letter is the part of marketing function. It belongs to marketing promotion activities, If any organisation writes a letter to customer to share the idea, feature, function, perfomance of product. This type of letter is know as Sales letter,  Sales letter depends upon four concepts. This concepts is AIDA.  1. A- The Full from of A is attention. It means we write our sales letter in such type of way that full letter says something special and customer compail to read it. It means the starting part of letter should be attractive. Reader read first part of letter and we attta...

Letter of Introduction

It is also important type of letter, whenever any company perfoms any function of business like-production, demand forecasting , supplying,pricing, advertising, communicating, ware housing from any other element of business world they write a later to them and explain their feature, function , task called later of introduction. .In other words we can say that later of introduction is an important type of letter in which company introduce himself in business world before anyone element of economy.  In other words we can say that the later in which we introduce ourselves from any other person of business and make our relation more effective. This type of letter is know as letter of introduction * Point to be kept in mind while drafting a business later;-  There are a number of point .we should kept in mind while drafting a business later. These points are as below;- 1. To mention the permanent and correspondence address. 2, To explain the correct position of organization. 3...

Cooperative Societies feature, advantage, disadvantage.

We know that business is a universal function that is performed to fulfill the need, desire, demand of customer's & enhance their living standard. There are a number of forms of business present in the world. These are sole proprietorship, partnership, cooperative society, joint hindu family, joint stock company & so on. Every form of business has its own merit, demerit, application and so on. Among all cooperative society is one of the best form because it is supported by government. Cooperative society is a voluntary association of people joined together on the basis of equality for fulfillment of their economic and business interest. * Feature of Cooperative Society.-    There are a number of features of cooperative societies. These features are as below- Voluntary association- It is the first feature of cooperative societies. It is a voluntary association of people. The people who have common interest they can form or join cooperative societies.  Less rules re...

Top 50 Company of India

Rank                      Company                1                            Reliance  2                            TCS 3                            HDFC Bank 4.                             HULL 5.                             Infosys 6                              HDFC 7.                             Bharti Airtel 8.                    ...

Letter of Recommendation

Every organization has a family . There are a number of members of this family. These members are employee, trade union, whole seller, distributor, dealer, sub- dealer , authorised dealer roality dealer, share holder , mutual holder contractor and so on. Whenever any member of our family achieve any goal , they want to get a praise, support, cooperate to his family to join or develop in new business world, so they want to write a letter and this type of letter is known as recommendation letter.  In other words we can say that the letter that is written at welfare of any one member of family  This type of letter is called letter of recommendation . In other words we can say that whenever any company support their employee approved, recognized, co-operate for future world .This type of letter is known as letter of recommendation.  Ex  You are the Director of L.N Mishra college of Mgt Muzaffarpur . Draft a letter of recommendation of for the final year student to join a...

Letter of Condolence

There are a number of people work inside the organization. These people are employee, whole seller, retailer, dealer, and sub dealer. These people are the heart of organization.If they are mentally, healthy, then we can achieve all the goal objective of the organization whereas if they are suffering from any grief, pain they are not able to put their potential to achieve their goal of organization with them in both situation that is happiness and grief, at the time of grief some organization express their feeling with the help of letter . This letter is know as letter of condolence. * To express grief on bad news- 1. It was deep regret that we learn the shocking news of the passing away- 2. I was greatly shocked to know about- From the newspaper/ telephon letter. 3. I was rudely shocked to know about the sudden death 4. I was deeply distressed to learn about the sudden demise of .  *To explain the characteristic of dead-  1. He was a lovable person. 2. In his deal, in the prim...

Partnership features merit demerits

It is also an important form of business organization. It is very popular in world economy but it is less popular in india. The organization that is established according to partnership act concern country to start a business carned on by either all of them or any of them on behalf of/ acting  for all. These type of organization is called partnership. According to indian partnership act 1932. The relation between two  or more persons who have agreed to share the profits from a business carried on by either all of them or any of them on behalf of / acting for all. This type of organization is called partnership.  * Featers of partnership- There are many features of partnership . These are as below- 1. It is established according to an agreement. 2. It has unlimited liability. 3. It has also short life. 4. It has many  members. 5. It has mutul agency and understanding. 6. Its formation is also easy. 7. It takes collective desision. 8. It has more finance than sole prop...

Forms of Business Organisation Sole Proprietorship

The organization that is established by an indevidual this type of orgnation  is called sole propritership.  * Characteristics of sole propritership. 1. It is a single ownership orgnation.  2. It gets all profit or loss of the orgnation.  3. It possess unlimited liability. 4. It follows less legal formalities.  5. It has no separate identity from owner.  6. It is related to the owner.  * Merit- 1.Its formation is very easy. 2. Its decision is very fast. 3. Its maintain the secracy of firm. 4. It keeps full control of firm. 5. Owner keeps full control of firm. 6. It does not submit financial document to government.  * Demerit- There are many demerits sole propritorship also possess . These demerits are as below.  1. It has short life. 2 It has limited resourse. 3. It has less managerial skill

Concept of Commerce

We know that there are many activities of economy that increases the living standard of common man.These activities are business,trade commerce etc.Every activity has its unique value role.Among all commerce is also an important activity because it helps business and trade to survive by a fast smooth way. There are a number of experts define Commerce different ways.Some ways are as below- According to JamesStephenson Commerce is an organized system for the wxchange of goods between the members of the industrial world. According to me The process in which we remove all problems theat presents in the path of buniess and trade and make business trade more fast this process is called Commerce. Function of Commerce-There are a number of functions Commerce performs.These functions are as below. 1.It removes problems between manufactures and customers. 2.It removes time gap between production time and consumptional time. 3.It removes place gap between production place and consumption place. 4...

Concept of Trade

We know that there are a number of activities of economy.These acrivities are business,trade,commerce and so on.Every activity plays an important role for the developmet of nation.Among all trade is also an important activity because it provides huge amount of tax that is used to develop infrastructure inside the country. Trade is combination of buying and selling of product on the basis of money to fulfill the need wantdesire of customer at regular basis. In other words we can say that trade is the part of business that purchase product and service in large amount and sell it in low amount according to need want of customers. We can divide trade into two parts.These are 1.Internal trade 2.External trade Internal trade- It is the first type of trade.It is also known as Home trade.The trade that is done in the boundary of nation this type of trade is known as internal trade.There are two parts of internal trade.These are Wholesale trade and Retail trade. Wholesale trade-It is also an im...

Social responsibility of Business

We know that business is also a social activity . It follows the customs, tradition ,ethics of society There are many social responsbility of business. These are as below-  There are a number of persons , organizations concern to our organization. These are shareholders, personnel, customers, consumers, government, society and so on.  The process in which  we develop above explain person, organization by our  product, service , policy this process is called social responsiblity .  According to Peter F.Druker- Social responsbilty requires managers to consider whether their actions are likely to promote the public good to advance the basic belif of society to contribute to its stability strength and harmoney. There are a number of ways we perform social responsibility.These ways are as below  1. Customers- Customers are the first member of business's family. They exchange product service to us on the behalf of money . We should provide good quality product se...

Problem before starting a new business

Business is an economic activity that is perfomed on the behalf of money to incresse the living standard of customers. There are many problems we face to start a new business . These problems are as below;- 1. Business selection;- It is the first problem we face when we start a new business . Today  multinational company , large scale company produce every type of product in every sector of economy so, it is very difficult to select the product we should produce 2. Size of business ;- There are many size of business according to investment . These size are micro enterprise, small enterprise, medium enterprise . which size of entereprise is best for us is difficult to say so it is also an important problem. 3. Location ;- It is the third problem we face when we start a new business. There are a number of essential things require for business. These things are raw- material , labour ,market etc. Every location all these things are not present in sufficient amount so we select an ...

Objective of Business

The objective of business is very wide because it covers the whole universe but some important objectives we may classify under following catogries. Economic objectives Business is an economic activities that is performed on the behalf of money to provide product and service to fulfill the need want desire of customers so its economic objective is as below 1.To earn profit-Profit is life blood of organization.It plays an important role to survive growth and expansation so every organization wants to earn maximum profit. 2.Optimum utilisation of resource-Every organization has less resource whereas they have to perform maximum function so they want to use their resource in such type of way that every function subfunction performs by effective efficient way so optimum utilisation of resource is second economic objective of business. 3.To increase customers-Customers are important element of business.They purchase product or service and give money to organization so every organizati...

Letter of Invitation

We know that every  organation has a family . There are a number of members of this family . Their members are employee, management, trade union, supplier, distributer, wholeseller, retailer and so on. Besides these every organation indirectly realeted to government organation like -commercial banking, insurence tax department and so on. Whenever we organised any function in our company like to inaugrate new factory production house , Golden, Silver , Diamond jubilee, It is our duty to enjoy this function festival with our family member and remember their contribution in the development of company . This letter that is written for this purpose is called letter of Invitations.  In other words we can say that it is also an important type of letter that is written to celibrate our annual function of our business family like- share holder to discuss previouse performance of organation and inform them future programme of company.  In other words we can say that the letter that...

Do not use N 95 mask with valved

Due to the covid pandemic there is a huge demand for masks across the world. There are many type of mask. These are  N 95 ,N95 with respiratator, FFP1 Masks and so on. An N 95 mask  is a multi-layered mask that provides cover to the face, no se and mouth . It helps to guard the user by filterning out 90 persent  of unsafe particles. It clarifies the air accurately without letting you struggle for breath. It also filters dirt, contamination bacteria, viruse etc. It does not filter chemical vapours, gasoline. This mask is not used by heart patient. This is also not  used by children.  According to health ministry of India N 95 masks with valves are not able to prevent the spread of Corona virus. when we exhale the expired air goes out of the valve in the N 95 mask. If we wear valved N 95 mask we can spread through the exhaled air in to the atmosphere that increases the risk of contamination of other person so it fails the control of coronavirus. KEY POINTS 1.We sh...

Letter of Congratulation

1. Starting * I am  so happy to know  * We are thrilled to hear from out mutual * My heart is filled with joy to learn about. * My happiness kew no bound the other day when i came to know about. 2. To give congratulation with sweet words.  * Please accept my heartest congratulations on. * My wife join me in congratulation you...... on your grand success.  * I am delignted to learn that you have realised your cherished ambition. * Your grand success make you bask in the glory of the good fortune all through your life. * May God continue to grand your similar sucess all through your life. * Iam sure you would bring a great to your proffession and the organation you join.  * Having attend a firm footing in your life. Iam sure you would go very far on the path of  achivement. * To show sympathy for future function. * Do you plan to celebrate the occassion. * When are you intending to join. *Do you plan to go abroad for higer studies . * Aftergive double congrat...

Concept of Social correspondance

We know that organisation is an element of economy that is organised or established according to ruls- regulation, law of india.  In other words we can say that there are a number of elements of economy. These elements are empolyee,managment,technology,enviorment,structure and so on. There is direct or indirect relationsheep among all members of organation. The positive and nagative impact of every member puts on every other element .Every member inspires,influnces motivates,guides,controls to every other member . If it is positive every member . develops and achives his goal where as if it is negative most of the members are destory so we can say that Organization is a social association of people  * There are a number of activities event happens in economy . These activities are festival,programme, annual function and so on.Organation wants to enjoy all these  function to their member so they use correspondance to their member and enjoy this festival. The correspondance...

Nature features of Business

We know that business is an essential part of economy in modern business world because it provides billion of jobs and increases the living standard of billion of people so we can say that business plays a important role for the development of nation. Nature or Feature of Business. There are a number of nature or Feature of Business.These are as below- 1.It is a social activity. 2.It is an economic activity. 3.It is a continuous activity. 4.It is a creative activity. 5.It is a dynamic activity. 6.It is a formal or informal activity. 7.It is a risk possessing activity. 8.It is a skillful activity  9 It is science or art. 10.It is a legal or lawful activity. Characteristics of Business We know that Business is an economic activity of human beings that is performed to fulfill the need demand want desire of customers and increase their living standard. There are a number of characteristics of business.Some characteristics are as below. 1.It exchanges goods and services on the behalf of...

Definition of Business by Authors and me

*According to Skinner and lvancevish- Business is the exchange of goods ,service, or money for mutual benefit or profit.  *According to Keith davis - Business may be defined as any from of commercial activity to satisfy the economics wants of people at a profit,  * Professor Owen.- Business is any enterprise engaged in production and distribution of goods for sale in a market or rendering service for a price. * According to Stephension- Define business as the regular production or purchase and sale of good undertaken with an objective of earning profit and acquiring wealth through the satisfication of human wants.  *According to Dicksee- Business refers to a from of activity conducted with an objective  of earning profits  for the benefit of those on whose behalf is conducted * According to B.O. Wheeler,- Business is an institution organised and oprated to provide goods and services to society under the incentive of private gain . * According to sec.2 ( 13) of t...

Roshini leads HCL to make it number one software company of India

Roshni  Nadar Malhotra became the chair man of HCL Technologies, India's third largest I. T.  service company by revenue. Today HCL has 150000 employees across 49 countries. She is the first woman chairperson heading a top it company of world.  The powerful business woman came to this world from her parents in 1982 in New Delhi.Her father shiv Nadar is the founder of Hindusthan Computers limited . Whereas her mother Kiran Nadar is indian art collector and famous Philanthropist. Kiran nadar is also the owner of Kiran Nadar Museum of art in New Delhi.She completes her primary education from Vasant Vally School New Delhi.She graduates from Northwestern university in Illionos from U.S.A . She studyes communication with a focus in radio/tv film. She did intership from CNBC and CNN . She works with SKY news U. K. and CNN in U.S.A as news producer.She got M. B. A. from Kellogg School of Management Northwestern University. Her specialisation I is Social Enterprise and Strategy Ma...

What is Internet

 In simpli terms is anetwork of the interlinked computernetworking worldwide, which is accesible to the general public . Theseinterconnected computers woude by transnitting data through a special type of packet switching which is know as the Ip  or the internal protocol . Internet is such a huge network of service diffrent inferlinlude network quality of the business, government acadenic and eeeven smaller domestic network there for internet is know as the network of all the other knowledge. These network enable the internet to be used for various important functions which include the several means of commmunications like the life transfer the online chat and even the sharing of the documents and web sites on theWWW. or the would wide web ( full form)  It is always mistake said that the internet and the world wide web are both the same terms, or are synonymous. Actually three is a very significent difference between the two which has to be cleae to understand both the ter...

What is Notice

We know that every business has a family .There are a number of members of family . Whenever we perfome any financial , legal work . It is our duty obligation to informe all member of maimly about the future function we want to perfome . Notice is an important way to inform our family member that we perfome in future .  In other words we can say that there are a number of department  is every company . The department are production, HRM ,and so on. When ever we want to discuss any matter , topic of business we informe all our manager to participate and share , their idea ,thought, openion and so on. The issue notice is an instrument that is use to perform the above explain function by effective and predefine way.  In other words we can say that notice is an important part of communication that is used to inform our concern member , employee management to participate any matter , topic problem of organation i.e discussed in any particular place , time , period and to provi...


A teletypewriter also referred to as a teletype machine is a now largely obsolete electro mechanical typewriter that was used to communication typed messages from point to point through a simple electrical communication channel.   A predecessor to the teletypewriter was the stock ticker system , which was developed in the 1870s as a method data over long distance  telegraph lines and displaying the data in alphanumeric characters. The system employed a specially designed telegraph typewriter on one end and tickers, which printed stock quotes on the other end.  Most tele type writers used the five bit baudot code which was devised around 1875 by a frenchman named email baudot. The five bits limited the character set to 32 codes , but a FIGS  ( e.g. figures snift) shift key enabled it to also type numbers and special characyers . sprcialized versions had FIGS code for specific applications such as specific applications such as wnether reports. The quality of the p...

What is E Mail.

E-mail- E-mail stands for the electronic transmission of mail allowa us to send formatted text and images to someone else with an e mail address.  Each e-mail user has a mai box, with a unigue address into which messages can be sent ready for the recipient to collect and read.  If you have an account with an internet service provider(ISP) such as yahoo than they will provide you with an email address and let you use their email servise for no extra cost   You can also get an email-address from one of the many free providers such as hotmail or Gmail.  Email is now one of the most common method of communication ask most people that you know, they will probably have an email address. Smart phones can download your email so you can read them anywhere, they also allow you to send email.  We can also attach files to an email , for example a word document or spreadsheet  Without email,mony businesses would not be able to operate

Different style of Business letter

There are  three formates of business letter writing . These  formate are as below;-  1. Full block format;- It is the 1st format  of letter writing. In this format we write all things from left side after leaving the margine . Letters are written at same  space so letter look attrative . This is very popular format because typist do not want to do much labour for typing the letter 2. Semi- block letter/modified block style;- It is the second format of letter writing. In this style some matter is written left side and some matter is written in right side . There is also look good but in this style typist do hard labour because they set margin and format by a number of types.  3. Simplified letter format- It is the third style of letter writting . In this style we follow some features of Full block and some features of semi block format.  4. Block Format;- In block format all lines except date and complementory clasure along with signature are written w...

Reliance Makes India Self Reliant

Reliance Industries is one of most renowned multinational company not only India but also Asia continent . It is the most valuable and the third largest energy company that market capital is 169 billion Dollars . Its share price is increasing whereas its competitors share price is decreasing in the period of covid pandemic . It is the 51st rank company on the basis of market capital. It is established by Dhirajlal Hirachand Ambani that is also know as Dhiru bhai Ambani in business wond .He was  one of india's greatest visionaries Business leader.He returns to india from Yemen in 1957.He starts trading business in Mumbai. Due to their hard labour he establishs Reliance.  Realince operates textile, ,petroleum,power , infrastructure,retail,telecommunication, natural gas, hydrocarbon exploration, digital service and so on.  Mukesh Ambani  is the Chairman , MD and largest share holder of Reliance Industries.  In the begining it is a small textile manufacturing  ...

Concept of Business letter

Every business has a family.There are a number of members of the family .These are employee, trade union,management,govt, govt organization judiciary media and so on. Every manager wants to share his idea, thought, openion, data , facts figure, information,policy, programme,concept and so on. Among all above explain members business letter is the 1st and important to performing above explain function way. In other words we can say that if any organization launches  any new product in market, they want to introduce or give information to member of business family . Business letter is an important device that can perform above explain function by an effective, economical, meaningful, wonderful way. Business letter is an important method of advertising to inform, inspire,motivate, customer towards the product and service that is produce,launches by large scale company and multinational company.  *Element/part of the letter;- There are more than ten parts of business letter. These...

Concept of E Mail

Today is 21st century . It is also known as I.T  age so most of the organations company accept data, information  with the help of information technology. They also deliver data  information with the help of social media I. T.  is not present before 21st century so in 19th,20th century company accept and forward their data information with the help of Mail. so we can say that mail plays an impotant role in the development of bussiness. * Mail;- The process in which we get postcard, envelope letter and sort,handle,transmission and deliver to its destination. This process is know as Mail  In other words we can say that the process in which we get letter from different person,department and sorting ,handling,transmitting,delivering according to its destination . This process is know as mail.   There are two parts of mail one is recipt of mail and second is dispatch of mail.  1. Receipt of mail;- Every company has a large and particular function. Thes...

Sachin Pilot

Sachin pilot who is charismatic multitalented and highly qualified leader of indian politics who belongs  to Rajasthan. He was the former chairman of Rajasthan pradesh Congress committee and Deputy Chief minister of Rajasthan .He was born in the family of Rajesh Pilot and Rama pilot on  7 september 1977. His family is a noble family not only Rajsthan but also India . His family was active in politics. His father was a member of parliyament and union minister of India . His family was patriotic, renowned in indian politics  He got his primary education  from Air  force Bal Bharti  school New Delhi. After completing 12th he took admission in st. Stephens college New Delhi . He got B. A degree from st. stephens college . He took M.B.A Finance degree from Whareton school of the university of pennsy lvania U.S.A . He also possess a deploma in Marketing Management from I.M.T. Ghazibad. After completing his B.A,degree  he works in B.B.C and general motors. He...

Role Playing

*Role playing   There are a number of tools , techinique manager use to teach their employee . These  techinique are Guest lectures, paper presentation,role playing etc. Among all role playing is an important technique that is used by top level managers to teach their employees   *Nature;- 1. It is a psychological method. 2. It is an old method  3. It is a practical method 4. It is a world wide approach. 5. It is a social technique  * Method;-   Under role playing process the employee  of company creats a practical enviorment in which every person plays the role of particular  person and behave similar to them .They talk each other according to their role . In this process learners go to person and act in a real situation so they understand the actual figure of concern employee and reply the actual method and learn many new things of market.  * Objective - There are a number of objectives of role playing . These objectives are ...