Concept of Social correspondance

We know that organisation is an element of economy that is organised or established according to ruls- regulation, law of india.
 In other words we can say that there are a number of elements of economy. These elements are empolyee,managment,technology,enviorment,structure and so on. There is direct or indirect relationsheep among all members of organation. The positive and nagative impact of every member puts on every other element .Every member inspires,influnces motivates,guides,controls to every other member . If it is positive every member . develops and achives his goal where as if it is negative most of the members are destory so we can say that Organization is a social association of people 
* There are a number of activities event happens in economy . These activities are festival,programme, annual function and so on.Organation wants to enjoy all these  function to their member so they use correspondance to their member and enjoy this festival. The correspondance that is done to enjoy this festival by high class standard way. This is know as social correspondance. 
* In other words we can say that there are also  a number of negative events happens in economy,. These are earthquake ,valcono flood, death, misshappening and so on. All these events put a bad impact on the country . Thousands of people  momey, resourse are lost. Organation also feel sadness from this situation. so, the correspondance that is used to give consolation to our employee in this bad or unexpected situation this correspondance is know as social correspondance. 


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