Function of Retailers

Distribution Channels play an important role to distribute prodduct from one place to other place.There are a number of elements of distribution channels.These elements are Wholesalers,Retailers,Distributors etc.
Every element plays an important role in the process of distributing product and services.Retailers are the second element whose role is very important because they are direct contact of Customers and convice them an effective way.Their functions are as below-
1.Assembling-It is the first function of Retailers.They purchase product or Services from different Wholesalers and assemble products at one place like their shop or showroom.They sell product or services according to need,want of Customers.
2.To sell Product-It is the second function of Retailers.They sell product or service in the form of small quantity.In this way they fulfill the need,want,desire of customers to purchase and use every type of product.
3.Grading and Packaging- It is also an important function of Retailers.Wholesalers sell the product at high quantity so they have no time to grade and pack Product and Service.Retailers grade and pack product and service according to need,want,requirement of Customers.
4.Financing-It is also an important function of Retailers.Whenever Customers are in financial problem and not able to purchase product and service on cash basis they get credit facalities to Retailers.
5.Coordination-There are a number of elements of Marketing.These elements are supply,demand,price etc.Retailers balance between demand and supply to proper function of Marketing in economy.
6.Warehousing-Demand is variable element of Market.Customers demand any type of product any time so Retailers possess Warehousing facalities store product and service and supply to customers according to their need want to purchase it.
7.Information providers-Retailers are direct contact of Customers.They know need,want,desire,expectation,like of customers.They provide such type of information to Wholesalers and Manufactures to produce available such type of product in the market.
8.Advertising- It is also an important function of Retailers.They advertise and promote sales in their concern market.
9.Risk bearing-Market is full of risks.These risks are economicial,non economicial,technicial,etc.Retailers possess all these types of risk and perform their function in concrn market and fulfill the need,want of customers.
10.Middle man-Retailers are the middle man between Wholesalers and Customers.They forecast the need,desire,demand of Customers and forward to Wholesallers to available such type of product and service to fulfill the need of customers and earn profit.
In this way we can say that Retailers play an important role to fulfill the need of customers earn profit and develop the nation by proper way.


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