What is E Mail.

E-mail- E-mail stands for the electronic transmission of mail allowa us to send formatted text and images to someone else with an e mail address. 
Each e-mail user has a mai box, with a unigue address into which messages can be sent ready for the recipient to collect and read. 
If you have an account with an internet service provider(ISP) such as yahoo than they will provide you with an email address and let you use their email servise for no extra cost 
 You can also get an email-address from one of the many free providers such as hotmail or Gmail.
 Email is now one of the most common method of communication ask most people that you know, they will probably have an email address. Smart phones can download your email so you can read them anywhere, they also allow you to send email.
 We can also attach files to an email , for example a word document or spreadsheet  Without email,mony businesses would not be able to operate


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