Roshini leads HCL to make it number one software company of India

Roshni  Nadar Malhotra became the chair man of HCL Technologies, India's third largest I. T.  service company by revenue. Today HCL has 150000 employees across 49 countries. She is the first woman chairperson heading a top it company of world. 
The powerful business woman came to this world from her parents in 1982 in New Delhi.Her father shiv Nadar is the founder of Hindusthan Computers limited . Whereas her mother Kiran Nadar is indian art collector and famous Philanthropist. Kiran nadar is also the owner of Kiran Nadar Museum of art in New Delhi.She completes her primary education from Vasant Vally School New Delhi.She graduates from Northwestern university in Illionos from U.S.A . She studyes communication with a focus in radio/tv film.
She did intership from CNBC and CNN . She works with SKY news U. K. and CNN in U.S.A as news producer.She got M. B. A. from Kellogg School of Management Northwestern University. Her specialisation I is Social Enterprise and Strategy Management.  She is married to Shikhar Malhotra in 2009. Shikhar  is vice- Chairman of HCL Health  care . She has two sons whose name is Arman and Jahaan. She joins HCL core in 2009. She became on the board of HCL Technologies in 2013.
Key  Features
1.She likes travelling very much. 
2. She also involves to promote education among Dalit and Muslim girl child in     U.P
3. She is a trained classical musician. 
4. She was conferred with the Lewis Institut community changemaker award by Babson college in 2017.
5. She got  54st rank in worlds 100 most powerful women by Forbs. 
6. She got a  good rank in most powerful  woman in india by Business Today. 
7. She is an alumnus of world economic forum. 
8. She was awarded the worlds most innovative people awards in 2015 .
9. She was recognised NDTV young philanthropist.
10. She was recognised as vogve indian philan thropia in 2017. 
11. She is founders and trustee of The Habitats that aims securing indians regular natural surrounding to maintain biological system.12.She is the chairperson of HCL  CSR Committee.


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