Problem before starting a new business

Business is an economic activity that is perfomed on the behalf of money to incresse the living standard of customers. There are many problems we face to start a new business . These problems are as below;-
1. Business selection;- It is the first problem we face when we start a new business . Today  multinational company , large scale company produce every type of product in every sector of economy so, it is very difficult to select the product we should produce
2. Size of business ;- There are many size of business according to investment . These size are micro enterprise, small enterprise, medium enterprise . which size of entereprise is best for us is difficult to say so it is also an important problem.
3. Location ;- It is the third problem we face when we start a new business. There are a number of essential things require for business. These things are raw- material , labour ,market etc. Every location all these things are not present in sufficient amount so we select an appropriate location where most things are present in large amount.It is also an important issue to select right location for our business.
4. Capital - Capital is life blood for every organization. If we start micro enterprises one crore rupees we need.How we may arrange one crore rupees is a big challenge so capital is also an important problem to start a new business.
5. Physical facilities;- There are a number of physical facilities we require to run business . These facilities are land, buliding , machine, warehouse office and so on. To arrange  all these things is a big problem to start a new business because all these things require a heavy investment.
6. Personnel - There are many  hundred employees require to run business. All these employees have professional , knowledge, talent, skill, wisdom and so on. To find out such type of personnel is very difficult so we can say that to recruit talented personnel is a big problem to start a new business.
7. Equipment - There are many equipments require to start a new business . These equipments are computers, chairs, table , air condition stationery etc. Every new firm has scarcity of mony so it is also a big problem to arrange above explain things.
8. Legal formalities- Business is a legal activities. Thre are three level of government in India. These are local government, state government and central government. Every government makes policy,rules-regulation law for the development of concern people. We follow all these rules regulation law to start a new business.  
So we can say that there are many problems we face to start a new business.


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