Letter of Invitation

We know that every  organation has a family . There are a number of members of this family . Their members are employee, management, trade union, supplier, distributer, wholeseller, retailer and so on. Besides these every organation indirectly realeted to government organation like -commercial banking, insurence tax department and so on. Whenever we organised any function in our company like to inaugrate new factory production house , Golden, Silver , Diamond jubilee, It is our duty to enjoy this function festival with our family member and remember their contribution in the development of company . This letter that is written for this purpose is called letter of Invitations. 
In other words we can say that it is also an important type of letter that is written to celibrate our annual function of our business family like- share holder to discuss previouse performance of organation and inform them future programme of company. 
In other words we can say that the letter that is written to our business family member to enjoy the achivement perfomance goal achivement and remove and refresh them to perfome their work by effective efficent, enormous way in future. This letter is know as letter as letter of invitation
 In other words we can say that the letter that is written to celibrate any function within the organation among employee 
and enjoy them. This type of letter is know as letter of invitation.
* Invitations;-
1. To give information about date, facts, place ,time about occasion.
Starting line It is with great pleasure that i inform you that  i am / my son is getting engaged on 16 th feb. 1986 at Taj palace crystal room at 6.pm
* This is to bring to your kind notice that.
* Most respectfully I inform you that.
* I am pleased to inform you that.
2. To request you to kindly come with your family to grace the occasion;-
* I requst you to kindly come with your family to grace the occasion.
* I would be delight if you could spare sometime from your busy schedule to attend the above mentioned function celibration.
* I would be a great pleasure to have you among the guestly.
* Please do come with your family at the appointed time and place. 
3. Again request to come on time-
* You know how important is your  plesence on this occasion for us so, please do come. 
* I am sure you would not dis-appointed.
* I would be greathly honoursed id you could come on this occasion.
* My whole family is very eagerly awaiting for your arrivel.


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