Different style of Business letter
There are three formates of business letter writing . These formate are as below;-
1. Full block format;- It is the 1st format of letter writing. In this format we write all things from left side after leaving the margine . Letters are written at same space so letter look attrative . This is very popular format because typist do not want to do much labour for typing the letter
2. Semi- block letter/modified block style;- It is the second format of letter writing. In this style some matter is written left side and some matter is written in right side . There is also look good but in this style typist do hard labour because they set margin and format by a number of types.
3. Simplified letter format- It is the third
style of letter writting . In this style we follow some features of Full block and some features of semi block format.
4. Block Format;- In block format all lines except date and complementory clasure along with signature are written with the left margin.
This form also saves time. In typing as little adjustment One required to be made because of its balance look this format is very popular and widely used format in business correspandence.
Every format is good and popular in fix period.It depends on writer which format they use.Todays block format is very popular and used most compny for social correspondence.
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