Letter of Introduction

It is also important type of letter, whenever any company perfoms any function of business like-production, demand forecasting , supplying,pricing, advertising, communicating, ware housing from any other element of business world they write a later to them and explain their feature, function , task called later of introduction.
.In other words we can say that later of introduction is an important type of letter in which company introduce himself in business world before anyone element of economy.
 In other words we can say that the later in which we introduce ourselves from any other person of business and make our relation more effective. This type of letter is know as letter of introduction
* Point to be kept in mind while drafting a business later;-  There are a number of point .we should kept in mind while drafting a business later. These points are as below;-
1. To mention the permanent and correspondence address.
2, To explain the correct position of organization.
3. To explain the future programme of organization.
4. To explain the function ,goal task, target, destination of organization.
5. To explain the facility , feature of organization that is provided in business world.
6. Please mention the web.address if possible
 Matter;- You are the director of L.N.M.C.B.M Muz. Draft a later of introduction to students.
Ref no.-
    Name and address of receiver
  We are a famous college of Northern India. We have been providing management education since 1973. There are thousand of students get education from our institute and serve in multinational, large scale company and work for the development of business besides this more than 10,000 student are working in govt. sector like -B.S.N.L, Indian railway , GAIL, BHEL SAIL etc.
We launch a PGDM  course in banking and insurance in shortly that provide high class knowledge with practical training . It is cent percent  job oriented course.
I hope you will cooperate continue for the development of student and business and economy
     your faithfully


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