Definition of Business by Authors and me

*According to Skinner and lvancevish- Business is the exchange of goods ,service, or money for mutual benefit or profit. 
*According to Keith davis - Business may be defined as any from of commercial activity to satisfy the economics wants of people at a profit, 
* Professor Owen.- Business is any enterprise engaged in production and distribution of goods for sale in a market or rendering service for a price.
* According to Stephension- Define business as the regular production or purchase and sale of good undertaken with an objective of earning profit and acquiring wealth through the satisfication of human wants. 
*According to Dicksee- Business refers to a from of activity conducted with an objective  of earning profits  for the benefit of those on whose behalf is conducted
* According to B.O. Wheeler,- Business is an institution organised and oprated to provide goods and services to society under the incentive of private gain .
* According to sec.2 ( 13) of the income tax,1961, Business means any trade, commerce or manufactures or any advanture in the nature of trade , commerce or manufacture.
According to me Business is a systamic function of economy that is perform on the behalf of money to earn profit.


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