Concept of Sales letter

It is also an important type of letter. It belongs to marketing sector. If any organisation that wants to sale his product to customer, consumer ,organisation , govrenment ,government agencies, government department  they write a letter to above explain element and explain the feature, function , role, price of product. This type of letter is know as Sales letter .
* In other words we can say that sales letter is the part of marketing function. It belongs to marketing promotion activities, If any organisation writes a letter to customer to share the idea, feature, function, perfomance of product. This type of letter is know as Sales letter, 
Sales letter depends upon four concepts. This concepts is AIDA. 
1. A- The Full from of A is attention. It means we write our sales letter in such type of way that full letter says something special and customer compail to read it. It means the starting part of letter should be attractive. Reader read first part of letter and we atttact them to read the rest part of letter. 
Ex- Are you interest to see heaven on earth. 
2. Do you intrest to optimum utilisation of your finance. 
3. Are you feel unexpected happiness.
*2. D - The full from of D is desire . In this part we increase the feelings, physical, psychological, emotional level of readerds to purchase the product. 
*3. A- It  stands for action. It is the last part of sales letter. In this part we should write our thought in such type of way that customer become ready to purchase product and service  because he thinks if he does not purchase it, he is missing a  number of things. 
So we can say that Sales letter is an important type of letter that is written to Seller to customers to purchase product or service and get financial benefit.
Ex- Offer valid only for 31st manager.
2. It the last chance to casin this opportunity. 
3. Only lucky person be selected on lottoy. 
4. It is available on stock limit.
*4. I- It stands for interest . It is the second of sales letter . This part increase as the interest of customer in product but they do not want to purchase product because according to this thought product does not give maximum satisfaction. We should write this part in such type of way that we increase the interest of customer towards product and service . 


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