What is Notice

We know that every business has a family .There are a number of members of family . Whenever we perfome any financial , legal work . It is our duty obligation to informe all member of maimly about the future function we want to perfome . Notice is an important way to inform our family member that we perfome in future . 
In other words we can say that there are a number of department  is every company . The department are production, HRM ,and so on. When ever we want to discuss any matter , topic of business we informe all our manager to participate and share , their idea ,thought, openion and so on. The issue notice is an instrument that is use to perform the above explain function by effective and predefine way.  In other words we can say that notice is an important part of communication that is used to inform our concern member , employee management to participate any matter , topic problem of organation i.e discussed in any particular place , time , period and to provide their valuable suggestion for the development of organation.Notice is an instrument to give information to our employee, mgt, trade union about the meeting that is organised in particular data for the welfare of organation 
* Drafting a notice;-  
You are the manager of  L.N Mishra college of B.M . you want to organise a meeting on 20 july for the multi dynamic development of student . Draft a notice

It is informed that there will be a meeting organised in the auditorium of college. In this meeting expert scholar education minister of bihar govt. attendfor the discussion of multidynamical development of mgt. student all student faculty . Boaed of director who are intrested to share their view concept may attend the notice.
*Agenda- It is the 2nd part of meeting whenever we publish a notice all matter, topic that are discuss in metting are predefine explain in the notice so , all concern person member who come in the meeting they  they are prepared to discuss. In teraction the topic with a purposeful way. Things in one place is known as agenda. 
In other words we can say that an agenda is a list of topic covered in a list of topic covered in a meeting, 
In other words we can say that an agenda is a 'Ato Z' function schedule that are perfom in the meeting. 



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