Multiple Shops or Chain Store Features Advantage Disadvantage

Multiple shopes are also called Chain Store . It is a retail shop that provides standard product at appopriate price. It is called Multiple Shops in European continent whereas it is also called chain store in U.S.A.
* Feature;- 
1. It operates single management.
2. The price of product is fix.
3. It posses less range of products. 
4. Its product is standred.
5. It possess many retail orgnations. 
6. It provides  only cash transaction.
*Advantage ;-
 There are many advantage of multiple shopes. These advantage are as below- 
1. Perfect price- It is the first advantage of multiple shops. Manufactures supply a very large quantity of goods to shops so its price is perfect. 
2. Maximum sale- It is the second advantage of Multiple shops. They are present near the common people. Its price is genuine so its sale is maximum .
3. No middleman- There is a direct  relationship between Manufactures and customers so there is no middle man like wholesalers, Distributors present in exchanging process. 
4. Less operations cost - Multiple shops perform their function by a simple way. They do not expand more mony on infractures and  advertising so their operations cost is minimum. 
5. Division of risk - Manufactures have many shops so if  any product does not sell one shop it may sale in other shop. If one shop gets loss other shop manage it so risk is divided among all shops.
6. Beneficial to consumers - These types of shops are very  beneficial to consumers because they provide good  quality and standaed product at geniune price.
7. Easily gather information- Manufactures are direct contact to collect facts, figure, data about like, fashion of customers they can easily collect.
* Disadvantage;-  There are many disadvantages Multiple shops also possess. They disadvantage are as below-
1. Limited range of products - Multiple shops sell only their manufactured product. Every manufacture has limited  range of products so Multiple shops have limited range of products.
2. Non  cooperative employees - There is no performance based salary system in Multiple shops so their employees do not guide,cooperate,support to customers to select product.
3. More investment;- Manufactures open many shops at every part of country so  there is maximum invest to start Multiple shops.
 4. Traditional production ;- Fashion, trends are element of Market. These things are always in changing direction Multiple shops do not care it. They only provide tradition produt. 
5. Non professional Manager;- Every multiple shop has  a  Manager . They only guide, lead their employees. They do not care customers so their non professionalism affeect the sale of  shop. .


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