Concept of Commerce

We know that there are many activities of economy that increases the living standard of common man.These activities are business,trade commerce etc.Every activity has its unique value role.Among all commerce is also an important activity because it helps business and trade to survive by a fast smooth way.
There are a number of experts define Commerce different ways.Some ways are as below-
According to JamesStephenson Commerce is an organized system for the wxchange of goods between the members of the industrial world.
According to me The process in which we remove all problems theat presents in the path of buniess and trade and make business trade more fast this process is called Commerce.
Function of Commerce-There are a number of functions Commerce performs.These functions are as below.
1.It removes problems between manufactures and customers.
2.It removes time gap between production time and consumptional time.
3.It removes place gap between production place and consumption place.
4.It removes financial problem of customers and make them financial strong to purchase product.
5.It provides insurance that minimise the risk of manufacture wholeseller retailer.
6.It advertises so customers know more about product or service.
Importance of Commerce-Commerce is very important part of economy because it helps to increase business and trade so its main importance is as below-
1.It fulfills need desire,demand of customers,
2.It increases the living standard of cusomers.
3.It makes a good relationship between producer and buyers.
4.It generates billion of job opportunity.
5.It increases national income and per capital income.
6.It helps to expanction business and trade.
7.It helps to maufacture to maximise production.
8.It helps to increase international trade.
9.It helps to develop nation.
10.It helps to remove the barrier that presents in the path of business and trade.
So we can say that commerce plays an important role for the development of billion of people of world by fulfilling their need,want,desire of product and service..


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