Objective of Business

The objective of business is very wide because it covers the whole universe but some important objectives we may classify under following catogries.
Economic objectives
Business is an economic activities that is performed on the behalf of money to provide product and service to fulfill the need want desire of customers so its economic objective is as below
1.To earn profit-Profit is life blood of organization.It plays an important role to survive growth and expansation so every organization wants to earn maximum profit.
2.Optimum utilisation of resource-Every organization has less resource whereas they have to perform maximum function so they want to use their resource in such type of way that every function subfunction performs by effective efficient way so optimum utilisation of resource is second economic objective of business.
3.To increase customers-Customers are important element of business.They purchase product or service and give money to organization so every organization wants to satisfy customers and attract new customers towards them.
Social objective
Business is also a social activity that is performed according to norms customes  tradition of society so there are many social objectives of business.These objective are as below
1.To develop society- business provides product and service in such type of way that any common man is able to purchase product or service of organization.
2.To increase living standard-Every common man has less resource whereas he has more need want desire etc Business fulfills this gap and make policy programme rules regulation to fulfill his need want.In this way he increases the living standard of comman man.
3.Produce standard product-Every organization maintains regular customers and also attract new customers towards them so they also upgrade their product by research and inovation.They want to produce world class product in their concern market.
National objective-
Today world becomes a village because every multinational company large scale company present every corner of the world so business is a national activities and its national objectives as below-
1.To create employment
There are many functions of buniess.These functions are production supply,trading etc.All these functions are performed with the help of people.Every business wants to expand their working area so in this way they create large number of job opportunities.

2.Nation building-Business is a part of nation.If nation develops it is naturally business develops so every busiess wants to develop nation by payment of tax like Corporate Tax,GST,etc
3.Social justice-Society makes nation.Every nation has social injustice due to many reasons.Business produce product or service to all.They do not care caste gender,religion,area etc.so in this way they also play an important role to do social justice.


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