Letter of Congratulation

1. Starting
* I am  so happy to know 
* We are thrilled to hear from out mutual
* My heart is filled with joy to learn about.
* My happiness kew no bound the other day when i came to know about.
2. To give congratulation with sweet words. 
* Please accept my heartest congratulations on.
* My wife join me in congratulation you...... on your grand success. 
* I am delignted to learn that you have realised your cherished ambition.
* Your grand success make you bask in the glory of the good fortune all through your life.
* May God continue to grand your similar sucess all through your life.
* Iam sure you would bring a great to your proffession and the organation you join. 
* Having attend a firm footing in your life. Iam sure you would go very far on the path of  achivement.
* To show sympathy for future function.
* Do you plan to celebrate the occassion.
* When are you intending to join.
*Do you plan to go abroad for higer studies .
* Aftergive double congratulations and explain the cause of sucess.
* Once again congralations you on your well deserved success.
*Your sucess is a fetting reward of your merit labour.
* God has duly rewarded your senoure effort.
*Accept once again my on this grant success.
All these lines are example thar we should use to write a letter of Congratulation.
We know that every business has a family.There are many members of family.These members are employees senior junior colleagues and so on.There are a number of positive events happen the life of family'members.Some events give them happiness so we write letter of Congratulation to increase their happiness and make our informal relationship more strong so we should write such type of letters to make our organisation more success in the global competition age.


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