
Showing posts from December, 2020

Characteristics of Business

 Business is the process of exchanging product or service on the behalf of money for mutual development of one another. There are many characteristics of business. Some of important characteristics are as below- 1.Economic activity- It is the first characteristics of business. It is an economic activity because money involves all functions sub function of business. Without money no any activities of business is performed. 2. Exchange- Business is the process of exchanging between two persons, groups, organizations etc. First person is called Seller and second person is called buyer. Seller gives product and get money whereas buyer gives money and get product so exchange happens between them. 3. Risk- Business has maximum risk. It depends on the size of business.If the size of business is large the ratio of risk is also very high whereas the size of business is low the size of risk is low. There are two types of risk. These risks are systematic and unsystematic.  4. Uncertainty...

Concept of Programming Features, Advantage, Example.

 Computer is an electronic device that performs all functions of organization by an effective, efficient, fast and cent per cent right way. There are many devices of Computer. These are Input device, Out put device, Software and Programme. Every device plays an unique role to perform the function of computer by an effective way. Among all programme is also an important element that of computer that performs its function by a unique way and save time, energy, effort and resource of users. Definition- Programming is a combination of instructions that is used to instruct computer how to work. In other words we can say that Programming is a collection of codes to solve problem and perform task by an effective way. Nature of Programming- 1. It is technical. 2. It is clear and simple concept. 3.It increases the efficiency of user and computer. 4. It present in structure form. 5. It may express in words and number form.`      6.It is problrm solving approach. 7.It is creati...

Concept of E-Mail

 Today is 21 st century. It is the age of information technology. There are many elements of Information technology. These are Computers, internet etc. Every element plays an important role for the development of human beings, organizations, company, country and so on. Among all internet is one of an important element that provides us many services like surfing, E- Mail etc. The full form of E-Mail is Electronic Mail.The process in which user send the message in electronic mode with the help of internet this process is called Electronic Mail. The first e mail was sent by Ray Tomlinson in 1971. It was a simple massage that is based on communication. There are many elements of e mail. These are e-mail client, e mail server POP and IMAP servers. There are many features of e mail. These features are as below- 1.It is free and fast. 2.It is popular all over the world. 3.It is most effective service of communication. 4. It is powerful service of knowledge management. 5. It is used one to...

Types of Computer Network LAN, WAN and their Advantage and Disadvantage.

 Computer network is the process of combining two and more than two computers by cable, wireanddnaother than any method to share resources and perform our function by effectve way to achieve the goal of organization. There are many types of Computer networking. These types are as below- 1.LAN- It is the first type of computer networking. The full form of LAN is Local Area Network. The process in which we connect computers to each other in a small area this process is called Local Area Network. It is less costly. It increases the transfer of data and data security. Advantage- 1.Emplloyees may access all files. 2.It needs a single internet connection to perform all functions by computers.3.It improves the efficiency of organizations.ecniatni4.It decreases the mataince cost of computers. Disadvantage- 1.It requires many devices to install like ethernet cable, Switches. hubs and routers so its set up cost is high. 2.It covers a limited area. 3.It requires a Administrator because there ...

Application of Computer Networking in Business.

 Computer network is an important part of information technology that plays an important role for resource sharing, resource saving and growth of organization in 21st century.  The process in which we connect computers to computing devices in any way to communicate and share resources is called computer networking. It increases the data transfer rate. There are many type of network. These are LAN, WAN, MAN etc. The application of computer network is very wide in business and its concern function like Selling, Marketing, Financing and so on. The important application is as below- 1.Marketing- It is the first area in which computer networking plays an important role to satisfy customers. Marketing is the process of identifing need and want of customers and fulfill it by our product or service. In the process of marketing any question may be asked by customers in any time so if the sales personnel are connected to their marketing manager or irganization they provide answer of all...

Concept of Computer Networking and its objectives.

 Computer is an electronic device that performs the function of business by an effective, efficient, fast and cent per cent right way. Every computer has certain storage capacity so the process that is used to increase the storage capacity of computer is known as Networking. A network is collection of devices. These devices may be communication devices or transmission media. A computer network is the combination of Computer and communication devices or transmission devices. So we can say that the method that is used to connect computer and devices  in any way to communicate and share resources is called computer network. Objective of Computer network- There are many objectives of computer network. These objectives are as below- 1.Resource sharing- It is the first and main objective of computer networking. Every computer has large amount of information. Any personnel needs any type of information in any time so if the computer of organization is connected one another personnel ...

Concept of MS- Office

 Every organization has an office. There are many functions performed in this office. It cares day to day activities of Organization. It implements the policy, rules, regulations, law that is made by top class manager. It also helps to make in Planning, Organising, directing, Coordinating, Communicating and Controlling. There are two methods to perform above explain function. One is manual and second is technical. Computer is the device that perform above explain function by a technical way. MS Office is one of the best programe that perform above explain function by an effective, efficient, fast and smooth way. It was first launched by Bill Gates on 19th November 1990. It possess many applications. These applications are MS Word, MS Excel and MS Powerpoint.  MS Word- It is the first element of MS Office.It is also convenient software. It is used to creat file.These file may be edited. These files may be transferred from one person to other person or one office to other office...

Concept of Microsoft Excel and its Features.

 Microsoft Excel is an electronic spreadsheet software package that allows user to  organize facts in a tabular format, perform mathematical calculation and analyze facts. It also includes functions, formulas and charts. It is used in business and its concern function like Production, Demand forcasting, Supplying, Pricing, Advertising,Warehousing, Communicating, Trading and Finacing.It is also used in Engineering, Mathematics and Statistics. It is the newest version of Microsoft Office. It contains worksheet and workbook. Worksheets contain numerical information  present in tabular row and column format with text that labels the facts.It also contains graphics and charts. Elements- 1.Spreadsheet- It is the first element of Excel.It is used to communicate facts using function, formulas and charts. 2.Active cell- It is also an important element of Spreadsheet. It is highlighted cell where user enter a value. Features- There are many features of Excel. These features are as ...

Supporting agencies for Entrepreneurship Development in India.

 Entrepreneurs play a vital role for the growth of country so every government wants to support Entrepreneurs. There are many organization established by government to support Entrepreneurs. These organization are as below- 1.District Industries Centre- It is the first and important agency that provides support to Entrepreneurs. It was established in 1978. It present almost all district of India. It has been established by Central government. It is managed and operated at district level. It provides all the necessary support services that is required by Entrepreneurs. It also helps to arrange loan.It also provides training facilities. It also arrange for machinery supply. 2.Small Scale Industries- It is also an important agency that supports Entrepreneurs to perform their function by effective, efficient and economical way. Central government made an act in 2006 that belongs to Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises. It helps to improve Cash Flow position of Enterprises. It also link...

Factor influencing Entrepreneurship

 There are many factors influences Entrepreneurship development. These factors are as below- 1.Personal factor- It is the first factor that influences the development of entrepreneurship. Every person has need, desire, want and so on.If any person has want to become an entrepreneur they can face all problems, challenges in the path of entrepreneurship and become a successful  entrepreneur whereas if persons have no want to become entrepreneurs they may get other positive things but may not become entrepreneurs so we can say that it is the first and very important factor that influences the development of entrepreneurship. 2.Social factor- It is the second factor that influences the development of entrepreneurship. Every person has a social environment. There are many customs, traditions, cultural,civilisations, norms, values and ethics of society. If all these things are positive the growth of entrepreneurship is fast in such type of society whereas if all these things are neg...

Role of Entrepreneurs in economic development

 The role of Entrepreneurs is very important in economic development is very important. All developed countries maintain their development due to the growth of Entrepreneurs in concern country whereas many countries are undeveloped due to the growth rate of Entrepreneurs is less in such concern country. The main role of Entrepreneurs are as below- 1.It promotes capital formation by mobilizing the idle savings of common man. 2. It generates employment so people provide their best knowledge, talent, skill, wisdom for the development of country. 3.It makes balance regional development inside the country so less law and order problem arise in concern country. 4. It reduces the concentration of economic power  in few states or hands. 5.It distributes wealth among employees after getting the profit so money cycle is proper inside the country. 6.It also helps to increase GDP of its concern country. 7.It increases the living standard of people by its product or service. 8.It develops ...

Concept of Entrepreneurial Environment

 There are many types of forces, factors present in the world. Every force and factor puts an impact in the growth of Entrepreneur. The combination of all these forces and factors is jointly known as Business Environment. So we can say that there are many controllable and uncontrollable forces present in the economy. The combination of all these forces is jointly known as Environment. All these factors also affect the growth of Entrepreneur so the combination of this situation is called Entrepreneurial Environment. Characteristics- There are many characteristics of business environment. These are as below- 1.It is dynamic. 2.It may be positive or negative. 3.It may be internal or external. 4.It is controllable or uncontrollable. 5.It is complex. 6.It is interdependence. 7.It is uncertain. 8.It is variable from country to country. Role of Entrepreneurial Environment- 1.It provides an opportunity to grow and develop of Entrepreneur. 2.It helps them to take an appropriate decision. 3....

Classification of Entrepreneurs

 Entrepreneurs are the persons who innovate idea and converts into actions for the growth and development of society, nations and human beings. It is also an important element of production in 21 st century. We can classify Entrepreneurs into different way. Some of important ways are as below- On the basis of function there are four types of Entrepreneurs. These are as below- 1.Innovative Entrepreneur- It is the first type of Entrepreneur on the basis of function. The Entrepreneur who innovate new idea in production process or new product for the development of nation this type of Entrepreneur is called Innovative Entrepreneurs. 2.Imitative Entrepreneur- It is the second type of Entrepreneur on the basis of function. The Entrepreneur who does not innovate new idea but they imitate technique or technology that is used in production process so production becomes fast this type of Entrepreneurs is called Imitative Entrepreneurs. 3.Fabian Entrepreneur- It is also an important type of E...