Concept of Computer Networking and its objectives.

 Computer is an electronic device that performs the function of business by an effective, efficient, fast and cent per cent right way. Every computer has certain storage capacity so the process that is used to increase the storage capacity of computer is known as Networking.

A network is collection of devices. These devices may be communication devices or transmission media.

A computer network is the combination of Computer and communication devices or transmission devices.

So we can say that the method that is used to connect computer and devices  in any way to communicate and share resources is called computer network.

Objective of Computer network- There are many objectives of computer network. These objectives are as below-

1.Resource sharing- It is the first and main objective of computer networking. Every computer has large amount of information. Any personnel needs any type of information in any time so if the computer of organization is connected one another personnel may use information according to their need, want, requirement and so on.

2. Reliability- It is the second objective of computer networking. There are different type of information stored in different computer. If computers are connected to one another any personnel takes any information to any computers.

3.Save financial resource- There are many types of computer. These are Micro, Mainframe and Super. Organizations use micro computer because it is less costly whereas the cost of mainframe computer is very high so if we use micro computer and connect each other it performs our function by an effective way and save our financial resource.

4.E- Commerce- Today is the era of E-Commerce. Many organizations work in the form of 24 into 7. Without computer networking they may not work by a proper way in the form of 24 into 7.

5.Fast Email- Electronic Mail is an important technique to share texts, documents, files,project, images etc. If computer is connected to one another employees may perform their function by a fast way.

4. To increase efficiency of System-Organizations have many micro computers. If these computers are connected to one another employees may use any computer to perform their function so the maintaince of other computer is at right time. In this way the life and efficiency of computer increased.

7.Security- Every employee has a particular user name and password given by organization so unauthorized person may not use the information of organization because all files are locked by strong password. In this way the information of organization is secured.


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