Types of Computer Network LAN, WAN and their Advantage and Disadvantage.

 Computer network is the process of combining two and more than two computers by cable, wireanddnaother than any method to share resources and perform our function by effectve way to achieve the goal of organization.

There are many types of Computer networking. These types are as below-

1.LAN- It is the first type of computer networking. The full form of LAN is Local Area Network. The process in which we connect computers to each other in a small area this process is called Local Area Network. It is less costly. It increases the transfer of data and data security.


1.Emplloyees may access all files.

2.It needs a single internet connection to perform all functions by computers.3.It improves the efficiency of organizations.ecniatni4.It decreases the mataince cost of computers.


1.It requires many devices to install like ethernet cable, Switches. hubs and routers so its set up cost is high.

2.It covers a limited area.

3.It requires a Administrator because there are many problems happen in working hour.

4.Data protection is weak.

2.WAN- It is the second type of computer networking. The full form of WAN is Wide Area Network. The process in which connect multiple computers by acommunicative device in a very large area this process is called Wide Area Network.


1.It covers a very large geographical area.

2.It shares data among all connected device.

3.It provides updated data and files.

4.It also share software applications and other resource.

5.It has high bandwidth compares to other networking.


1.It has more security problems because many thousands people shares file.

2.It requires Firewalls and antivirus software to protect data.

3.Its set up cost is very high because it requires many costly device like routers, switches etc.

4. If any problem occurs it is very difficult to find out the problem because its area is very wide.

5.Its maintance cost is very high because it requires technical personel and supervisiors.


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