Concept of Programming Features, Advantage, Example.

 Computer is an electronic device that performs all functions of organization by an effective, efficient, fast and cent per cent right way. There are many devices of Computer. These are Input device, Out put device, Software and Programme. Every device plays an unique role to perform the function of computer by an effective way. Among all programme is also an important element that of computer that performs its function by a unique way and save time, energy, effort and resource of users.


Programming is a combination of instructions that is used to instruct computer how to work.

In other words we can say that Programming is a collection of codes to solve problem and perform task by an effective way.

Nature of Programming-

1. It is technical.

2. It is clear and simple concept.

3.It increases the efficiency of user and computer.

4. It present in structure form.

5. It may express in words and number form.`    

6.It is problrm solving approach.

7.It is creative.

8.It is concrete.


1.It makes the function of organization effective, efficient, economical, fast and smooth.

2.It solves the problems of manager and organization.

3.It saves time, energy, effort and resource of organization.

4.It saves and maintain secreacy of irganization.

5.It provides result in a short period.

6.It helps organization to achieve goal.

Example of programming language- Java, C. C ++, PHP, SQL, Python, JavaScript, VB NET, R MATLAB, Assembly, Perl, Ruby, Delphi, Go, Visual Basic.


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