Classification of Entrepreneurs

 Entrepreneurs are the persons who innovate idea and converts into actions for the growth and development of society, nations and human beings. It is also an important element of production in 21 st century.

We can classify Entrepreneurs into different way. Some of important ways are as below-

On the basis of function there are four types of Entrepreneurs. These are as below-

1.Innovative Entrepreneur- It is the first type of Entrepreneur on the basis of function. The Entrepreneur who innovate new idea in production process or new product for the development of nation this type of Entrepreneur is called Innovative Entrepreneurs.

2.Imitative Entrepreneur- It is the second type of Entrepreneur on the basis of function. The Entrepreneur who does not innovate new idea but they imitate technique or technology that is used in production process so production becomes fast this type of Entrepreneurs is called Imitative Entrepreneurs.

3.Fabian Entrepreneur- It is also an important type of Entrepreneur. The Entrepreneur who accepts and uses the success idea, thought of other Entrepreneur this type of Entrepreneur is called Fabian Entrepreneurs.

4.Drone Entrepreneurs- The Entrepreneurs who do not accept and use new idea, thought and became insolvence in the market this type of Entrepreneur is called Drone Entrepreneurs.

On the basis of type of Business there are four type of Entrepreneurs. These types are as below-

1.Production Entrepreneurs- There are many function of business. These functions are Production, demand forecasting, supplying, pricing, advertising, ware housing, communicating, distributing, financing etc. Among all Production is the first and main function of business. The Entrepreneur who innovate new idea,thought in the area of production and make production fast,effective efficient this type of Entrepreneur is called Production Entrepreneur.

2.Trading Entrepreneur- Trading is also an important function of business. The Entrepreneur who innovate new idea to perform the perform the function of trading and makes trading more effective and beneficial this type of Entrepreneur is called Trading Entrepreneur is called Trading Entrepreneur.

3.Corporate Entrepreneurs- It is also an important form of Entrepreneurship. The Entrepreneur who establish an organization and perform the function of business by a new and innovative way this type of Entrepreneur is called Corporate Entrepreneur.

4.Agricultural Entrepreneur- Agricultural is one of the important function of developing country. There are more than 60 percent people involve in it. The Entrepreneur who innovate and use idea in the sector of agricultural and increase the production of grains this type of Entrepreneur is called Agricultural Entrepreneur.

On the basis of Technology there are many types of Entrepreneurs. These types of Entrepreneurs are as below-

1.Technical Entrepreneur- It is the first type of Entrepreneur on the basis of technology.Technology is an important part of business. The Entrepreneur who innovate new technology and make production or other function of business fast this type of Entrepreneur is called Technical Entrepreneur.

2. Marketing Entrepreneur- Marketing is also an important function of organization that is used to increase the sell of product or service and earn profit. The Entrepreneur who innovate any idea in the area of Marketing and perform the function of business by a new way and increase the profit of organization this type of Entrepreneur is called Marketing Entrepreneur.

3.Professional Entrepreneur- It is also an important type of Entrepreneur. The person who perform any function by a smart way and earn money this type of person is called Professional. The Entrepreneur who innovate and use idea to give any function into smart look and earn money this type of Entrepreneur is called Professional Entrepreneur.


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