Concept of E-Mail

 Today is 21 st century. It is the age of information technology. There are many elements of Information technology. These are Computers, internet etc. Every element plays an important role for the development of human beings, organizations, company, country and so on. Among all internet is one of an important element that provides us many services like surfing, E- Mail etc.

The full form of E-Mail is Electronic Mail.The process in which user send the message in electronic mode with the help of internet this process is called Electronic Mail. The first e mail was sent by Ray Tomlinson in 1971. It was a simple massage that is based on communication.

There are many elements of e mail. These are e-mail client, e mail server POP and IMAP servers. There are many features of e mail. These features are as below-

1.It is free and fast.

2.It is popular all over the world.

3.It is most effective service of communication.

4. It is powerful service of knowledge management.

5. It is used one to one or one to many.

6.It is simplest mode off communication in 21st century.


1.It may be insecure.

2. It may be consist virus.

3.It requires technical knowledge to operate.

4.It does not possess personal touch.

5.Sometimes it may be too long.


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