
Showing posts from January, 2021

High Paying Job in 2021-2050

 Corona viruses outbreak was first reported in china on dec 2019. The capital of Hubbi on 11 march 2020 who recognise it as pandemic.As on 04.06.2020 more than 216919 cases have been conformed in india and more 6075 death . A/C to our many survey Covid 19 puts maximum impact on the world economy today india become globalised so it is also faces maximum impact  To sevey indian company make many policy in area of production, marketing, HRM etc so they oppertunity of new job is less, so we may care the sectors which future bright and where job opportunity is maximum  A/C to my survey following sector have many opportunity.  BOOM SECTOR  - medicine, health , insurance, Banking, Online shopping, FMCG, food industry, agriculture etc.  There are many jobs whose future is bright in coming year, decade. These jobs are as below- 1. Software Developer  2. Project Manager  3. Customer Service Specialist  4. IT support  5. Financial Analyst  6. ...


Concept of Layout- There are a number of machines, equipments used in production process. The role, function, speed, efficiency of every machine, equipment is different from each other. The process of arranging all these things by a systematic, scientiic way is called layout. Types of layout: 1. product layout- It is the irst type of layout. The organisation that produce product y a number of step, they use this type of layout.  in this layout machines and equipment are arranged in U shape or line shape. so, after completing one step, second step, start and it continues at last step. Advantage: 1. It supports smooth flow of production. 2. Its material handling process is very effective. 3. Work in progress is very less. 4. It utilise optimim resource like land, machines and so on. 5. Its supervision process is very good. 6. Its production control iis very effective. Disadvantage: 1. If one machine breakdown the whole  process of  production system stop. 2. It is not flexi...

Tyoe of Priduction System

 Types of intermittent production system: There are three types of intermittent production system: 1. Project production system- It is the first type of production system. It belong to intermitent production system. This is performed one by one. This type of production is known as project production system. 2. Job production system- It is the second type of production system. The process in which A to Z functions of production is predefined way according to predefine step. This type of production is known as job production system. 3. Batch production system- It is also an important type of production system. The process in which organisation produce different typr of product one by one, they use a particular type of system. Thisa is known as batch production system. Types of Continuous Production system: There are three types of continuous production system. These are mass production, process production, assembly production. 1. Mass production system- It is the first type of contin...

Production System

 Types of production system: There are two types of production system.  One is Intermittent Production System and second is Continuous Production System. 1. Intermittent Production System- It iis the first type of production system. The production  that occurs in the form of production of 24*7 form. This type of production is known as Intermittent Production System. In other words we can say that if any industry has one  factory and they produce different types of  product, they produce product one by one according to predefine plan. So, the sysrem they use is called Intermittent Production System. Features of intermittent production system: 1. Production happens after a fix interval. 2. There are many types of priduct produce in this system. 3. The number of production is low. 4. The maintainance of machine is a proper way. 5. It is customer oriented approach. 6. It is market oriented approach. 2. Continuous Production System- It is the second type of productio...

Inventoey Control

 Types/Technique of Inventory Control: There are many techniques of inventory control. These techniques are as below: 1. ABC- The full form of ABC is Always Better Control. Therte are many elements of production. these elements are coal, petroleum, iron ore and so on. The process in which we classify the raw material according to their role, contribution into three categories like A, B, C categories. This process is called ABC method of inventory control. The elememt that is very very important put in A category whereas the element that is less important are put in B category and the element that is very less important is put in C category. So, it is very popular and old method of invrntory control. Advantage of ABC: 1. It ensure proper supply of raw material in production process. 2. It ensures optimum utilisation of raw matrials. 3. It ensures the balance between source and stock. 4. It ensure maximum production inside organisation. 5. It minimise the problem that may arise in pr...


 We know that these are many function of material management. these function are purchasimg transportation inventry control, storing asnd so on. the process in which all these function are conbind to management these process os called intregated aproach of  material management  In other words we say that the process in which planning organising, staffing, directing , controling , transportation, inventry control storing this process is know as intregated approach of material management  In other words we can say that the process in which policy rules &regulation , law, programe , is combined to precument purchasing is combined to procument purchasing transportation . This process is called intregrated approach of material mangement. #   Nature of integrated aproach of material management  1. It is an internal approach  2. It is a technical approach  3. It is an economic approach  4.It is goal oriented approach  5. It is 21st century ...

Concept of Inventory control

 Nature and Scope of Inventory Control: We know that there are many functions of material management. These functions are procurement, purchasing, inventory control, transportation and so on. Every function plays an important role in effective production. Among all inventory control is one of an important function because it keeps righjt number of raw material, parts, production, equipments, tools in stick to abide shortage, scarcity and so on. The process in which manager forecast the need, requirement of organisation and arrange all these thongs earlier to use whenever it is needed. This process os called inventory control. In other words we can say that the scientific and systematic process of requiring, movable items to minimise, problems and maximise production. This process is calle inventory control. Objectives of inventory control: 1. To fulfil the need, requirement of organisation in coming week, months and years. 2. To balance raw material in select and boom period. 3. To...

Intergrated approach of Material Management

 We know that there are many function of material managemant . these function are procqrement perchasing,tranportation invertry control storing and so on the process in which all these function are combind to management. These Process is called interganted approach of material management. In other words we can say that the process  on which planning ,organing, staffing ,directing ,and controling and combind to procqument ,purchanging,transpotion inventary control storing . This process is called integrated approach if material management .  In other words we can say that the process in which policy rules regulation ,low ,programme is combimd to procurment ,purchasing ,transpotation ,stroing. This process is called intergated approach of material management . * Nature of  intergeted approach of material management  1. It is an internal approach 2. It is a technical aproach  3. It is an economic approach  4.It is goal oriented approach  5. It is 21s...

Nature and scope of Material Management

 we know that their are a no. of element if population of production These elemnts are lamd labor finance and row material. Every elemenrt is importance and plays an importanant role for the population, Among all row material is also an impotant element amd also plays very very important role in production  so we can say that row-material  is very important element for the development of organisarion DEFINITION 1  The process in which row material is forcasted arranged use consume by an effective efficient and ecconomical way this process is called material management  In other words we can say that the process in which planning organisin staffing direction controling is performed of area of row material the process is called material management  In other words we can say that the process in which policy rules regulation is done in the area of row material this process is called material management. NATURE OF BUSINESS MANAGEMENT  1 It is micro study 2 ...

Type of Purchasing

 Type of Purchasing: There are two types of Purchasing. One is Centralised Purchasing and second is Decentralised Purchasing. 1. Centralised Purchasing- The purchasing in which one department of organisation procurement and purchase all requirements of organisation like raw material, coal, petroleum, iron ore, equipment, tools and so on. This type of purchasing is known as centralised purchasing. Advantage: 1. It saves financial resource of organisation because experts performs A to Z function of puchasing. 2. It performs all function of purchasing by effective, efficient and economical way. 3. It purchase cent percent feature possessing raw material. 4. It stores raw material according to pre-define inventory control process. 5. Its supervision is world class. Disadantages: 1. It is beneficial for large scale and multi national company. 2. It is beneficial for concern level of production. 3. It is used for high class technical internal value of raw material. 4. It is time consumin...

Concept of Purchasing.

 nature and importance of purchasing: There are a number of functions of production management. These functions are procurement, purchasing, inventory control, traffic, loading, unloading, storing and so on. Every function plays an important role in production maximization. Among all purchasing is an important function that plays very very important role in production process. The process of knowing the rules- regulation, terms and cindition of purchase raw material is known as purchasing. In other words we can say that purchasing is an economic function that forecast availability of raw material its terms and conditions and choose one of the best according to safe size of organisation. Nature of Purchasing: 1. It is an internal function of organisation. 2. It is a continuous function. 3. It is an economic function. 4. It is technical function. 5. It is forecasting based function 6. It compare many rules-regulations, terms and conditions, mode of payment, way of payment and so on. ...

Narendra Modi world's 100 most influence People.

 The world is full of powerful and popular leaders. These leaders are Donald Trump, Xi Jinping, Vladimir Putin, Angela Merkel, Mohammed Bin Salman Al Saud, Emmanuel Macron, Thersa May, Benjamin Netanyahu, and Kim Jong-un, etc. Among all leaders, people believe and every survey shows that Narendra Modi is one of them that is the most powerful and popular leader of the world. According to American agency Morning, Consult over 75 percent of people approve that Narendra Modi is the most popular leader in the world.20 percent of people disapprove of it so the net approval rating is 55 percent. Morning Consult is a global company that was established in 2014. It is a data intelligence company. It belongs to the US. It carries our survey research at a global level continuously. It is one of the fastest-growing companies in America that organizes online surveys and research on many different issues. It has many offices in the U.S.A. These offices are situated in New York, Chicago, San Fran...

One nation one election in India

 India is one of the fastest growing economy of the world.There are some problems that presents in India like Poverty, Unemployment, Poor infrastructure and many elections. If all those problems remove India will become one of the developed country in the world. One nation one election is one of an important concept that should implement in India to make it developed country. Advantage- There are many advantages of One nation one election concept. These advantages are as below- 1. It saves the resource of country that is used to arrange many elections in any part of country. 2.Before election Code of conduct implements so most of the time Code of conduct is present in some parts of country due to state or local body polls so development is affected in concern part. 3. Government expendes billion of rupees in election so if one nation one election implements the save amount may be expend in the development of infrastructure. 4.It follows the aim of Constitution and may be implement ...