Nature and scope of Material Management

 we know that their are a no. of element if population of production These elemnts are lamd labor finance and row material. Every elemenrt is importance and plays an importanant role for the population, Among all row material is also an impotant element amd also plays very very important role in production  so we can say that row-material  is very important element for the development of organisarion


1  The process in which row material is forcasted arranged use consume by an effective efficient and ecconomical way this process is called material management 

In other words we can say that the process in which planning organisin staffing direction controling is performed of area of row material the process is called material management 

In other words we can say that the process in which policy rules regulation is done in the area of row material this process is called material management.
1 It is micro study
2 It is a systematic study
3 It is a syntafic study
4 It is a technical study 
5 It is an ecnomical study 
6 It is a positive study 
7 It is universal aproach
 The scope of material management is very wide. It is used in every company like small scale , middle scale , large scale  and multinational company.It cares forecasting arranging ,storing,consuming of row material by optimum way to produce sent percent features possimg product to optimise the production off organisation the main scope are as follows 
1. It cares the planning and controlong of row material 
2. It the cares to purchase roe materiual at minimum price.
3. It stores the eow material by an effective way to maintain its quality 
4. It cares proper inventrycontrol to maintain stock level; of organisation 
5. It cares to loading and unloading and transportation of row material by unique word it also cares to distribution of row material by a pre defined plane 


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