
 We know that these are many function of material management. these function are purchasimg transportation inventry control, storing asnd so on. the process in which all these function are conbind to management these process os called intregated aproach of  material management 

In other words we say that the process in which planning organising, staffing, directing , controling , transportation, inventry control storing this process is know as intregated approach of material management 

In other words we can say that the process in which policy rules &regulation , law, programe , is combined to precument purchasing is combined to procument purchasing transportation . This process is called intregrated approach of material mangement.

#  Nature of integrated aproach of material management 

1. It is an internal approach 

2. It is a technical approach 

3. It is an economic approach 

4.It is goal oriented approach 

5. It is 21st century approach 

6. It is very wide approach 

#Importance of integrated approach of material management 

1. It is used for optium utilisation of raw material 

2. It is used to purchase raw material at minimum price 

3. It focus to purchase cent percent feature possessing product 

4. It is used in maximum production 

5. It is used to achive the goal of organisation 

6. It is used to maintain cent percent fetures processing product 

#Function of integrated approach of material management 

1 purchasing- It is the first function of integrated appoach of material management these are the many source of puirchasing these sources are produces retailer wholeseller disteibutoe and so on every source has positive and negative fetures in the process ontregated approach organistion choose oneof the best source according to this need want function and so on.

2.Transoparation- It is also an impoetant function of Material Management. There are many ways of transoporation. These are Road, Raolways, Airways and so on The expinditure of  each way is different from one another. this ptocess in which org compares all ways ad choose ine if the chepest way. This way is called  best way of transportation

3. Invemtory comtrol- the process in which org store the raw material on stock in such typr of way that raw material is never feel scaecity in production process there are many ways of inventry control thease are ABC, COQ, ROP, VED, and so on org choose one of the best way for inventry control


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