Transporation Model

 We know that there are many functions of businesses. These functions are production, demand forecasting, supplying, advertising, pricing, warehousing, communicating, trading, distributing, and so on. Each and every function is important and plays an important role in the development of the organization. Among all transportation is one of the important functions of the organization that plays an important role to supply products at the destination at right time.

Many problems appear in the process of transportation. Operation research provides many models that help us to solve the problems of transportation of business. The process of sending products from source to destination is called transportation 

In other words, we can say that transportation is the process in which we forward the product to the destination is according to demand. 


1. It is an internal function of the organization.

2. It belongs to demand and supply.

3. It belongs from the source to the destination.

4. It belongs to cost control.

5. It belongs to optimum utilization of resources.

6. It links different sources to different destinations.

7. It balances demand and supply.

8. It removes the problems of unbalanced demand.

9. It solves the barrier of different supply method.

10. It is a quantitative approach.


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