The rise and rise of Tesla

 There is an objective to establish Company. Some Company want to earn maximum profit whereas some company want to change living standard of common man but a few company want to save universe and make it a better planet to live.Tesla is one of the company that belongs to the category of a few company that produce electric cars and play an important role to save universe. It is known not only manufacturing the most advance car but also providing recharge facility. 

Martin Eberhard and Marc. Tarpenning who are visionary engineers established Tesla Motors in 2003. Elon Musk, J. B. Straubel and Ian Wright later joined the project but all five members are known the founder of Company.It was established at San Carlos california in the United States Of America. It has also one headquarter at Amsterdam Netherlands. 

There is also a story to select the name of Company. The name of Company belongs to a famous inventor Nikola Testa who is known for discovering the feature of rotating Electromagnetic. Martin and Tarpenning are very inspired with him and his innovation so they select the name of Company. 

Before Tesla there are many other car manufacturers had been working for many years at Electric car but they did not get success so they believed that it is not possible to produce such type of car. General Motors is one of them. It had been working for 1996 to 1999 at this project but it did not get success. 

There are many function Company perform. These function are innovation, design, development, manufacturing, sale and service of car. 

Vision- The vision of Company to create the most compelling car of the 21 st century by driving the world's transition to electric vehicles. 

Mission- Its mission to accelerate the advent of sustainable transport by bringing compelling mass market electric cars to market as soon as possible. 

Musk plays an important role to success Tesla. He invested 30 million Dollars in Tesla. He also inspired many other investors to invest firm. The history of Musk is full of achievement so people believe in him. Musk is also a very good communicator so he influenced many other investors to invest in Tesla. There are many other investors like Sergey Brinand Larry, Baillie Gifford, FMR LLC, Capital Ventures,International,T.Riwe Price Associates and Capital World Investors invested a huge amount of money so the research work of Tesla became fast and effective. 

Roadster is the first car of Tesla but it did not get success in the market because it's battery backup is not good and scarcity of charging point in the state. Its cost is also maximum so customers do not like to purchase it. 

Sedan is the second model of Tesla. It changed the luck of Tesla. It was a very successful model. It may travel 300 miles at single charge. Besides above company also started many charging stations inside states. There are more than 3000 Supercharging in United States of America. Customers like all these facilities so they became very happy after purchasing the car. 

There are many causes of success Sedan. These causes are as below-

1. It is a fully electric car. 

2. It picks up in less than 3 seconds. 

3. Its maximum speed 250 Km/ hour. 

4. It travels more than 500 Km in one charge. 

5. Its price is appropriate. It is 56 lakh rupee s.

6. It post sell service is very good. 

7. There are more than 500 recharge stations. 

8. The distance between two recharge stations is 250 km. 

Besides above it has more than 250 Retail stores inside the country. It is sold online basis. The demand of car is maximum but company may not fulfill all demand so it is trying to increase its production capacity. 

Company has been researching to develop self driving car and every expert, experience, engineer and scholar expect that the car will come soon. 


  1. Saving the universe and developing it best to live in Tesla is on the top to perform this obje tive in an effective and efficient manner. Elon Musk has helped Tesla alot by investing and influencing other to invest. And now there are many cars produced by Tesla.

  2. It's very good & also It's Perfectly OK To Be Ahead of Others. Don't be afraid to do something new, something different. ...


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