Treatment Of COVID 19 Affected Children

 The second and third wave of COVID 19 is devastating billions of lives and livelihood in world. It shows not only the weakness of government but also their carelessness towards public health system. 

The first wave targeted elderly people. The second wave is targeting young and old people. Experts, doctors and scientists forecast that the third wave will target children and new born child so every parents should aware about COVID 19 and teach his children how to save from third wave of COVID 19.

The third wave started in Europe continent. It reached U. S. A. and U. K. Its impact is more lethal in Sweden and Canada. 

India is the second largest country of the world according to population. According to census 2011 there is 25 percent population belongs to less than 14 years. It means the number of children is more than 30 crore. The health system of India is not so good to fight pandemic so central government and state government make a special plan, policy, rules, regulations and program to provide treatment of Children if they will affect in the third wave of COVID that may come in the last month of year. 

There are many cases of COVID 19 suffered children present in Maharashtra (India) and Brazil. According to above cases Indian ministry of Health and Family Welfare released a guidelines for the treatment of children. Every parents should read guidelines and prepare himself to provide treatment if his child may infect from COVID 19.

Most children who will be infected from COVID 19 they will possess mild symptoms or asymptomatic. They will have common symptoms. These symptoms are Fever, Chills, tiredness, Cough, headache, loss of taste, loss of smell, sore throat and diarrhea. All these are common symptoms. Some children will have possess one or more than one symptoms so if any one symptoms present we should meet doctor and take clinical test. If report comes positive we should provide home isolation facility and provide medicine according to guidelines of doctor. The child will cure 7 to 10 days. 

If doctor's facality is not available parents should give Paracetamol and some medicine to remove cough and meet other doctor as soon as possible. 

The child who may suffer From COVID 19 and possess the symptoms like shortness of breath, difficulties in breathing, muscle ache, shore throat, running nose, vomiting, nausea, brain fog, delirium, agitation, ear pain, dizzing and anxiety. They are called severe ill. Parents should admit such type of child in hospital. Doctor test Chest X-ray, CT Scan and watch the level of infection and prescribe medicine. This type of child will have to live in hospital 15 to 20 days. 

Parents should teach many precautions to children to save from COVID 19.

1.Wash hands regularly. 

2. To keep hand and fingers away from mouth, eyes and nose. 

3. Parents should not go to crowded place. 

4. Parents should not provide raw food like raw meat, raw eggs and raw vegetables. 

5. The advantage of wearing mask. 

6. Parents should provide protein rich diet like Pulses, Legumes, Peanut, milk, Cheese, eggs, Fish and Chicken. 

7. Parents should provide hot water to drink. 

8. Parents should provide home made fresh fruit. 

9. Parents should provide 20 grams Chawanprash  twice a day. 

10. Parents should use spice like Turmeric, Cumin, Coriander, dry ginger in cooking. 

11. Parents should give Amla or Amla product. 

12. Parents should provide 100 ml milk daily before sleeping in the night.

13. Parents should teach to avoid close contact to all persons.

14. If parents are out of home they should use alcohol base hand sanitizer with at least 60 percent alcohal. 

15. Parents should provide Khadha to drink. 

All these precautions increase the immune system of children and save them COVID 19.

Besides above Central and state government make special COVID ward in hospital for children. They should also arrange special ICU bed for children. They should also arrange medicine and oxygen. 


  1. Thanku for giving this useful information. We flow this rule usefully.

  2. Important message for all the parents out there worrying about their children about getting affected by the virus. They should try to follow all the precautions to keep the child safe.

  3. Yes, parents must inform and alert their children about covid19

  4. Wonderful 😊
    (Raj Shree) Bihar Muz

  5. Yes we all give this information to our parents to follow this useful rules well.

  6. For children it is very difficult to maintain and protect from covid ..Thanks for this information
    Your work is literally very appreciable

  7. Covid-19 Viruses goes increases day by day and affect our health and show the poor health infrastructure of our Country. As predicted that the third wave is coming which mainly affect Children. So now Parents have duty to extra care towards their children from against Covid Viruses.

  8. Excellent
    ( Raj Shree)
    Bihar Muz


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