Types of Transfer

Human resource management plays an important role for the development of organization. There are many function of human resource manager. These function are job design, job analysis, training and development, compensation, performance appraisal, recruitment, transfer and so on. Every function plays an important role for the growth of organization. Among all transfer is also an important function that plays an important role for optimum utilisation of human resource force. 

There are many types of transfer. These types are as below:

1. Production transfer- it is the first type of transfer. Production is the first and main function of organization. The process in which employees are forwarded to other department to production department to perform the activity of production by an effective, efficient way. This type of transfer is called production transfer. 

2. Replacement transfer- there are many employees who work in organization for a short period for a particular type of function. The process in which continuous working employees are forwarded one post to other post for a particular function. This type of transfer is called replacement transfer. 

3. Shift transfer- it is also an important type of transfer. The process in which employees are forwarded one shift to second shift or second shift to third shift for performing the function of production at continue basis. This type of transfer is called shift transfer. 

4. Remedial transfer- sometimes employees are not satisfy from their work, job, post, place, department. So, if they demand to change something human resource manager forwards them from one job to other job. This type of transfer is called remedial transfer. 

5. Other transfer- besides above explain transfer there are many other causes that is used to transfer employees from one post to other post, one job to other job, one department to other department. This type of transfer is called miscellaneous transfer. 


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