Material handling equipment

We know that there are many equipments company use in production process.These equipments are convenors,Truck etc. All these equipments increase the production of organization.

Material Handling is the movement storrage, control and protection of materials goods and products through out the process of manufacturing distribution process including there consumption and disposal. 

In other words we can say that Material handling is the art and science of moving, storing, protecting, and controlling material.

Materials handling is the movement and storage of materials at the lowest possible cost throw the use of proper method and equipment.

Materials handling is the art and science of conveying,elevating,positioning,transporting ,packaging and storing of materials.

Material handling is the function of moving the right material to the right place is the right time,in the right amount,in sequence and in the right condition to minimize production cost. 


1.Chute canveyor 

2.Wheel canveyor

3.Roller canveyor

4.Chain canveyor

5.Slat canveyor

1.Jib crane 

2.Bridge crane

3.Granty crane

4.Stacker crane

1.Hand truck

2.Pallet jack

3.Walkie stacker

4.Pallet truck

5.Platform truck


1.Manual (no equipment) 

2.Lift/tilt/turn table

3.Dock leveler

4.Ball transfer table

5.Rotary index table


1.It makes loading activity fast. 

2.It makes unloading activity fast. 

3.It helps to transport raw material stock to plant. 

4.It helps to transport finished goods to stick. 

5.It helps to transport unfinished goods one machine to other machine. 

6.It packaging product by proper way. 

1.Self -restraining (no equipment) 




5.Tote pans


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