Role of Selection in Human Resource Management

 Today is 21st century. It is the age of globalize  economy. In this age the function of Human Resource Manager becomes very complex. Selection is one of complex function that should be performed  by Manager very carefully to perform the function of organization well. 

The process in which Human Resource Manager chooses one of best candidate that is present in recruitment process this process is called selection. 

In other words we can say that Selection is scientific process that is used to choose best candidates among attracted candidates who is able to perform the function of organization by best way in coming era. 


1.It is the core function of Human resource management. 

2.It is an internal function of organization. 

3.It is a scientific function. 

4.It is future oriented function. 

5.It is a broad approach function. 

6.It is a complex function. 

8. It is based at rules regulation, policy of organisation. 

9. It is a pervasive function. 

10. It is a candidates oriented function. 

11. It is non continuous activity. 


1.It increases the growth and development of Organization. 

2.It minimises the accident in production process inside the organization. 

3.It improves efficiency of human resource force. 

4.It improves the quality of product. 

5.It improves the performance of human resource force. 

6. It adds potential candidates to organization. 

7. It increases the success ratio of organization. 

8. It increases the effectiveness of human resource force. 

9. It makes the function of organization effective and efficient. 

10. It supports to achieve predefined goal of organization. 

11. It helps to earn maximum profit. 


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