Organisation performs his unction at continue basis. They have many goals. These goals may be survival, sales revenue maximisation, profit maximisation, to become a brand and so on. For achieving these goals they makes many plans. These plans may be financial plan, human resource plan, marketing plan and so on. Every plan is important. Among all human resource plan that is made by human resource manager for achieving their goal in coming year, decade and so on. The process in which human resource manager makes policy, rules, regulation for caring coming need, requiorement of organisation in coming 20 years.This process is called human resource planning.

In other words we can say that business, economy, market is changing direction. So, the working way, style, norms of the organisation is also in changing form. The process in which organisation cares all these things and add global talent, diverse talent to orgaisation to achieve goal of organisation in coming year, decade. This process is called human resource planning.


1. It is a wide concept.

2. It is  a global consept.

3. It is a forecating based concept.

4. It is a changing concerpt.

5. It is 21st century concept.

6. It is a progressive approach.

7. It belongs to social, psychological, economical aspects.


1. To know current human resource policy- It is te first step of human resource planning.Every human resource manager knows  the current policy, rules, regulation, law to perform human resource activities of organisatiuon.

2. To forecast future human resource demand- It is the second step of human resource plaqnning. It is performed after knowing the current human resource policy of thew oorganisation.In this process organisation know the need, requirement of organisation in cominf 1, 5, or 20 years.

3. To balance current and future policy- There are many function of human resource management. These fuctions are recruitment, selection, training, and so on. All these functions are performed in such type of way that current and future polocues are corelated with each other.


The scope of human resource planning is very wide. It plays an important role to perform the fuunction of organisation like production, demand forecating, procing by effective, efficient, fast and smooth way. Beside above the scope are as below:

1. It ensue the performace of organisation in coming 10 or 20 years.

2. It cares optimum utilisation of human resource force.

3. It attracts global talent towards the organisation.

4. It maintain potential talent towards the organisqation.

5. It cares overall development of human resource force.

6. It maintain effective relation inside the organisation.

7. It forms world class innovative world cclass policy inside the organisation.


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