What is human resource management?

There are many hundred employees worked inside the organisation. The process in which manager makes policy, programme, rules, regulation for effective utilisation of human resource force. To achieve the predefine goal of the organisation. This process is called human resource management.

In other words we can say that the process of making policy, procedure, procurement for the optimum utilisation of human resource force. This process is called human resource management.

Nature of human resource management:

1. It is universal approach- It is the first nature of human resource management. It is applied in all country, continent of world economy. Every country, continent where organisation, industry, company indirect present in human resource management in this type of concern sector.

2. It is goal oriented- Every organisation has a goal. Their goals are survival, sales revenue maximisation, profit maximisation and so on. Human resource management help us to achieve such type of predefine goal.

3. It is systematic approach- The process of performing any task by a step to step way is called systematic approach. All the functions of human resource force is performed according to predefine step. So, it is a systematic approach.

4. It is pervasive approach- Human resource management is a pervasive approach. It is applied all levels of organisation. These levels may be top, middle and low level.

Scope of human resource management:

The scope of human resource  mangement iis very wide.It is used in hunan resource planning, job design, requiremment and selection, training and development, performance appraisal and other concern function.

1. Human resource planning- It is the first scope of human resource management. Every organisation makes policy, programmes, rules, reguulation, law for the fulfil requirement of organisation in coming era. So, performing this work by a good way. 

2. Job design- every organisation has many jobs. The powers, rights,  accountability, responsibility of each job is variable froom each other as a human resource manager. We decide the power, right, duty, accountability of each job.

3. Recruitment and selection- It is the third scope of human resource management. There are many recruitment happen every year in the irganisation. Human resource manager makes, implement recruit proper, talented candidate inside the organisation.

Objective of Human resource management:

There are many objectives of human resource management. These objectives are as below:

1. Proper utilisation of human resource force- It is the first objective of human resource management. Every organisation has many labour, worker, employee and so on. Every manager makes policy, programmes, rules, regulatiio to arrange and manage it. But human resource mamager makes its proper utilisatio of labour, worker, employee and so on.

2. Goal achievement- It is the second objective of human resource management. Every organosation has a number of objective. These objectives are sales revenue maximisation, survival, profit maximisation and so on. Humamn resource management help us to achieve predefine oobjective of business.

3. Efficient use of human resource force- Every organisation has large amount of human resource force. These resource consist labour, worker, employee and so on. With bbthe help of huuman resource management, we use available huma resource force in such type of way that we achioeve our goal. So, it is also an importanrt objective of human resaource management.

4.  Organisational development- Every organisation want to develop. There are a number of method of development. Human resource management is an important  method of organisation development.

5. Production maximisation- Every organisation perform a number of function of business. These functions are production, demand forecating, supplying, pricing, advertising and so on. All function are important and play an important role in priduct maximisation.


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