Concept of Transfet in Human Resource Management

 Transfer is also an important function of Human resource Manager. It is not the main function of Human Resource Manager. It is the part of Recruitment. There are two types of recruitment. One is internal recruitment and second is external recruitment. Transfer belongs to internal recruitment. 

Definition -

The process of horizontal or lateral movement of human resource forces from one job, section, department, shift, position to other job, section, department, shift, position this process is called transfer. 

According to me-

The process in which human resource forces forward upper post according to their knowledge, talent, skill, wisdom, experience, capacity this process is called transfer. 

In other words we can say that the process in which organization uses their human resource forces according to their need, function to perform their function by an effective efficient way this process is called transfer. 


1. It is an internal function of organization. 

2. It is a yearly function. 

3. It is a Scientific function. 

4. It is a systematic function. 

5. It is future oriented function. 

6. It is a goal oriented function. 

7. It is a progressive function. 


1. It increases the productivity of organization. 

2.It increases the effectiveness of organization. 

3. It provides maximum job satisfaction to employees. 

4. It increases and improves the skill of employees. 

5. It improves interpersonal relationship inside organization. 

6. It helps in optimum utilisation of human resource force. 

7. It motivates employees towards provide their best for the development of organization. 

8. It makes proper placement. 

9. It provides opportunities to potential employees. 


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