Concept of Human relation in Human Resource Management

 There are many hundred employees work inside and outside the organization. If we classify employees it makes many teams, groups, departments in organization. There are many formals and informal relationship among them. The systematic relationship among them is called human relationship. 

The origin of human relationship is 19 th century. Today it became very very important because it inspires, influences, motivates, maintains and retains employees with organization so every organization gives a special attention to human relationship. 


There are many experts define human relation by many ways. Some ways are as below-

According to Robert Owen Human relations is interaction and cooperation of people in a group. 

According to Keith Davis- Human relations are motivating people in organization setting to develop teamwork that accomplishes the individual as well as organization 's goals efficiently. 

According to me Human relations is the process of interacting people in organization to perform function by effective and efficient way. 


There are many advantages of human relations. These advantages are as below-

1. It increases the effectiveness of organization. 

2. It retains employees for long period inside organization. 

3. It improves the productivity of employees. 

4. It improves the performance of employees. 

5. It also develops management of organization. 

6. It increases the commitment level of employees. 

7. It helps in team building. 

8. It improves labour management relationship. 

9. It helps overall development of organization. 

10. It helps to survive and growth of organization. 

11. It helps to achieve predefined goal of organization. 


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