What is Computer.

Today Computer plays an important role for the development of every persons life. It makes our life more fast, effective, efficient, computer is also an important part of organization so every manager who wants to achieve predefined goal they should use computer to perform their function. Computer is an electronic device that accepts data and after processing data changes into information.
Computer is derived from Latin word computare that means to calculate.
 Definition of Computer- There are a number of experts define computer a number of ways, some ways are as below.
According to Donald H Sanderes- The computer is an electronic system that has the ability to manipulate data quickly accurately as well as designed and organized to automatically receive and store input data, processes it, and produces output under the supervision of a step by step instruction program (Operating System) which is stored program.

 According to Robert H Blissmer- Computer is an electronic device which has the ability to do some telecoms like accept input, input processing, storing commands, and provide output.

 According to Hamacher- The Computer is an electronic calculating machine that quickly and can receive digital input information then process it in accordance with a program stored in memory and generate output information.

 According to me- Computer is an electronic device that accepts raw and data convert it into the of information. Information plays a vital role of business like Production, Demand Forecasting, Supplying, Pricing, by an effective efficient way. In other words we can say that computer is an electronic device that changes data into information quickly and accurately.


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