Concept of Business Communication.

Communication is essential to exist, survive and goal achieved, for person, organization, company, industry. It is the process of creating, sharing, idea, opinion, thought, vision, philosophy, among people to perform function by effective, efficient, fast proper way to achieved predefined goal.
There are a number of employees work in the organization. Every employee has a particular idea, thought, feelings, emotions, taste, color, likes, dislike, fashion, attitude and so on.
Every employee wants to share it to his senior, junior, colleague and so on. The process of sharing all above explain things from one to one and from one to more than one this process is known as communication.
In other words we can say that every manager makes policy, program. rules, regulation, and so on. The process of making all these things and implement, execute or share to their employees. This process is known as communication.
In other words we can say that every manager makes Planning, Organizing, Staffing, Directing, Controlling, and so on. The process of making such thing and implement, execute, or shared it  in organization. This process is known as Communication.
  There are a number of function of Business. These are Production, Demand Forecasting, Supplying, Pricing and so on. All functions are performed with the help of employees. To Perform all above functions by help of sharing ideas, thought, rules, regulation, policy, and so on. The combination of all things is jointly known as Communication.
  Features of Communication.
There are a number of features of communication. These feature are as below.
1. It has two way/process one is sender and second is receiver.
2. It is a purposeful activity.
3. It is a continuous process in the context of organization.
4. It may be formal or informal, verbal or non verbal.
5.It is dynamic.
6.It is systemic.


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