
There are many functions a manager performs. These functions are planning, organizing,  staffing, directing, and controlling. Every function plays an important role in the growth, development, and goal achieving process of the organization. Among all planning is the first and many important functions because it ensures that another function is also performed effectively and efficiently.


There are many natures of planning. These natures are as below:

1. It is an internal function

2. It is a scientific function.

3. It is a goal-oriented function.

4. It is a future-oriented function.

5. It is positive.

6. It is a formal function.

7. It is quality and quantity.


There are many objectives of planning. these are as below:

1. It helps to perform the function of business like production, demand forecasting, and so on.

2. It helps to achieve the goal of an organization like survival, sales revenue maximization, profit maximization in an economical way.

3. It helps us to arrange, utilize human resource force at a minimum price.

4. It helps in optimum utilization of resources.

5. It helps us to maximize the production of an organization.

6. It helps us to maximize the sales of the organization.


There are many types of planning. These areas are below:

1. Single-use plan- it is the first type of planning that is used to achieve our purpose. This type of planning is called a single-use plan. For example- if the company provides a coupon service it is beneficial only in the marketing sector.

2. Multi-use plan- it is also an important type of plan. The plan that helps us to improve two and more than two functions. This type of plan is called a multi-use plan. For example- if a company decreases the price of the product, demand, and sale both increase.

Based on time:

There are three types of plans based on time. These areas are below:

1. short-range plan- the plan that belongs to one to three years this plan is called a short-range plan. 

For example- if the company makes a plan to recruit a global candidate it takes one to three years.

2. Middle range plan- it is the second type of plan. The plan that is made to get results in three to five years is called the middle range plan. For example- if a company expense his business it gia ves results in three to five years.

3. Long-range plan- the plan that gives results in five to twenty years. This is called a long-range plan. For example- if the company starts business in an international market it gresultssult in ten to twenty years.

Based on function:

1. Production plan- we know that there are many functions of the business. These functions are production, demand forecasting, pricing, supplying, advertising, and so on. The plan that belongs to production and its concern function like procurement purchasing and so on. This type of plan is called a production plan.

2. Marketing plan- marketing is the process of forecasting needs, desires, demands of customers and fulfilling, buying our products and service. The plan belongs to the activity of marketing. This type of plan is called a marketing plan.

Based on contains:

1. Strategical plan- it is the first type of planning. The planning that finds out the innovative idea, opinion, thought and improve the living standard of the common man. This type of plan is called strategically plan.

2. Tactical plan- it is the second type of planning. The planning that finds out the limitation, drawback, barriers of competitive and shoes our positive feature by an effective way. This type of plan is called a tactical plan.

3. Operational plan- it is also an important type of plan. The plan belongs to production and its concern function. This type of plan is called an operational plan.

Based on specification:

1. Directional plan- the plan that shows the way how to work in the market. This type of plan is called a directional plan.

2. Specify- the plan that belongs to behave in the market in adverse conditions. This type of plan is called specify a plan.


There are many steps of planning. These steps are as below:

1. select the goal of the organization- is the first step of planning. There are many goals before an organization these goals are survival, sales revenue maximization, profit maximization, and so on. In the process of planning, the manager selects one of the goals of the organization.

2. Gather data- it is the second step of planning. It is done after selecting the goal of the organization. After selecting the goal manager gathers facts, figures, data towards the goal of a higher ratio of data, a higher ratio of possibility to Chive the goal of the organization.

3. Analyse the data- it is done after gathering data. In the process of gathering day, there is a huge amount of data manager selects. Some data is important and some data is not important. In the process of analysis, the day that is not important is removed from the bundle of data.

4. Formulate policy- it is performed after gathering and analysis of data. In this process, the organization makes short-term policies, programs, rules, regulations that will implement in the organization in the coming months and years.


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