
 Evolution of management:

The process of management is time-consuming. There are managers, entrepreneurs, engineers who use their principles in their organization. So other industrialists, entrepreneurs use this technique, and management was born.

The contribution of the person in management. Many people contribute their best in the process of management. These persons are as below: 

1. F.W. Taylor- he is called the father of scientific management. He provides five principles in the development of management. These five principles are as below:

1. Science is not the rule of thumb- it is the first principle that is given by F.W.Taylor. According to this principle, there are two methods of performing any function. These methods are scientific and none scientific. Managers should always use scientific methods to perform any function. If they use the scientific method they may get better results.

2. Harmony relationship- it is the second principle of F.W.Taylor. according to this principle managers and employees are elements of the organization. There should be harmonious relations among managers and employees. If they have harmonious relationships they contribute their best for the development of the goal of the organization.

3. Training- it is the third principle. In this, we know that training is the process of knowledge, talent, wisdom, skill of employees and organizations should always provide training to employees to get their best talent.

4. Maximum output- it is also an important principle. There are many functions of the business. Production is the first and main function of the organization. Managers should make such type of policy to maximize the production of an organization.

5. Mental resolution- it is also an important principle. Man is a social organism. He is born all openly but bound with barriers. Managers should provide them with such types of ideas, opinions, thought, a vision that develops them mentally.

2. Henry Fayol- we know that Henry Fayol is the father of modern management. He gave 14 principles for the development of organization and goal achieving process. These principles are as below:

1. Division of work- it is the first principle. As we know an organization has a large number of employees and they have to perform many works. As a manager, we have to divide all work among employees. So the division of work among employees should be equal.

2. Authorities and responsibilities- it is the second principle. Many hundred employees are working in the organization. Some employees possess maximum power whereas some possess minimum power. The employee who possesses maximum power is responsible for not achieving the goal of the organization.

3. Discipline- it is also an important principle. Every organisation has it's own rule, regulation, policy, programme, procedure, law and so on. As a employee we have no power to day. It is right and wrong. If we follow we can achieve our goal and get success whereas if we do not follow we may not get success in life.

4. Unity of command- every organisation should only have one boss. It is the duty of boss that they give order to their junior.

5. Unity of direction- there are many hundred employees work in the organisation. Every employees may work many other employees but the person who get, who give them order they are their boss and employees should get suggestion from that concern person.

6. Remuneration- it is also an important principle. Every employee work inside the organisation for money. So organization should provide such type of payment that employees may arrange food, clothes, shelter for their family.

7. Centralization - there are two types of management. 

a) centralise management

b) participative management

Centralise management is 20th century concept whereas according to Fayol participative management is the best management for large scale company and multinational company.

8. scalar chain of command- it is also ann important principle. There should be a systematic order, place to top to bottom. The person who is the boss of concern employees. They should give order to employee. 

9. Order- there are many orders manager give to their employees. The words, sentences, method of order should be polite because if the order inspire employee then employee provide their best to organisation whereas if order doesn't inspire employees they do not provide their best.

10. Equality- there are many hundred  employees work in the organisation. The caste, colour, community, area, religion of employees may be different, manager should not discriminate among employees on above basis factor. If possible they should care more the person who belong to below standard.

11. Stability- every organisation has positive and negative feature before selecting employees. Manager should organise all types of test that they want to conduct. After selecting the candidate they should care employees that they do not leave the company because of employees leave the company they spread negative feature in the market.

12. Initiative- it is also an important principle. There are many work organisation start at first time. This work may be difficult. It is the responsibility of manager that they start it at a proper time. If they start it at a proper time other worker may get inspiration from the manager and they provide their best for the development and goal achieving process of organisation.

13. Esprit De corps- it is an international principle. It means unity is strength. Organisation is the family of employees. There are a unity among employees if employees have unity they can achieve all types of goal.


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