
 Every manager possesses many qualities. These qualities are honesty, sincerity, commitment, devotion, and leadership. Every quality is important and plays an important role to perform the function of the business effectively. Among all leadership is also an important quality that helps managers to inspire influence the human resource force towards their function and provide cent percent talent, knowledge, and skill for the development of the organization.

The process in which human resource forces are attracted towards organizations and motivate them to provide their optimum strength for the development of the organization this process is called leadership.

 Nature of Leadership -

There are many natures of leadership These natures are as below:-

1. It is an internal feature.

2. It is present by born.

3. It is affected by many factors like family, society, school, college, institution, and so on.

4. It is a situational feature.

5. It may be positive or negative.

6. It may be formal or informal.

 Importance of leadership:-There is much importance of leadership. This importance is as below-

1. Initiate Action - It is the first importance of leadership. There are many functions of the business. These functions are production, trading, and so on. Some functions are easy whereas some functions are difficult. The leader starts a difficult function to inspire another person to do it because he shows it is an easy function.

2.Motivate:-It is the second importance of a leader. Many hundred people are working inside the organization. The personality, perception, the attitude of all person is variable from one another. The leader has a global idea, policy, so they inspired all types of people and motivate them towards the goal of the organization.

3. Guidance:- It is also an important function of a leader. There are different types of problems present in the organization. Leaders have world-class knowledge, talent, skills so they can provide proper guidance and increase the knowledge, talent, skills wisdom of employees so they become able to solve the problem.

4. Effective Environment:- There are many elements of the organization. These elements are people environment technology and structure. Leaders make the progressive environment in which every human resource force provides their best for the goal achievement process.

5. Effective coordination:- It is also an important role of leaders. There are many departments inside the organization. These departments are production, marketing, human resource management, finance. Leaders coordinate every department in such type way that every department provides its best to achieve the pre-defined goal of the organization.


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