* Decision Support System

There are many tools, techniques in MIS. These tools, technique are data base management system, decision support system. System development cycle and so on. Every approach plays an important role in the development of organisation . Among all decision support system is one of the best approach that helps to take an approach decision and achieve the goal of organisation.

*Decision Support System

The process in which manager identify , record,classifier, summerice, and interpretation the data in the form of information and take an appropriate decision is called decision support system 

In other word we can say that the process in which a data is systematically analysise according to all alternatives of org and choose one of the besta alternative according to the strength and objective of org those process is called decision support system.


It is an internal activity of organisation.

It is a micro lives approach.

It is a part of management.

It use mathematical modes to Anat since data.

It also use straticis method a data anaissing.

It is a portable base approach.


There are many benefit of decision support system these benefit are as:

It help to take an appropriate.

It help to person the function of

 business like production temanfocasing

Selling,trading by effective, efficient way.

It also help in the process of planning and controlling activity.

It help in the process of descion making.

It help in interpersianse communication of employ.

It help to provide world case training to employ.

It help to face competition by effective efficient way.

It makes us future planing, policy, to face unexcepted environment.

It gives an innovative idea, opanion, thought ,vision to solve the problem of organisation.

*Demerit of decision support system.

There are many demerits of decision support system.

1. It is a technical approach.

2. It is resource consuming approach.

3. It provide maximum information to organisation. So the management of information is difficult task.

4. It's implementation and execution is very difficult .


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