Decision making process.

Every manager performs many functions to achieve the goal of the organization. These functions are planning, organizing, staffing, directing, and controlling. Besides the above, he also performs many other functions. These other functions are coordinating, motivating, maintaining, and decision making. All functions are important but decision-making is a very important function because it ensures that all functions perform effectively and efficiently.

The process of searching all alternatives and choosing one of the best alternatives according to the strength of the organization. This process is called decision-making.

In other words, we can say that decision-making is the process of finding and selecting one of the best alternatives among all alternatives that are present in the market best to the organization to achieve a predefined goal.

There are many steps of decision-making. These steps are as below:

1. Identify the need for decision- There are many types of problems present before the organization. The manager wants to solve the problem that harms the organization maximum so we decide to make a decision. 

2. Information gathering- It is the second step of the decision-making process. Before taking a decision there are many facts, figures, data manager needs so he collect facts, figures, and data. There are many ways of data collection. These ways are survey, questionnaire, scheduled, etc. They choose one of the best methods of data collection according to the strength of the organization.

3. Identify alternatives- There are many alternatives present before an organization to solve any problem. In this process, the manager finds out all alternatives that is present before the organization to solve the concern problem.

4. To choose the best alternative- It is also an important step of decision-making. After considering all alternatives manager chooses one of the best alternatives that can solve the problem of the organization.

5. Execute the decision- It is also an important step of decision-making. It is performed after the selecting best alternatives. After choosing the best alternatives manager selects the right time to execute the decision. If the decision is perfect but time is not perfect decision may not achieves its goal so time is also an important factor in the decision-making process.

6. Evaluate the result- It is the last step of decision-making. After implementing the decision manager gets a new result. He compares the new result from the previous result. If the current result is better than the previous result they continue the decision whereas if the current result is not better than the previous result they stop the implementation of the decision.

So, we can say that decision-making is an important function of a manager. Management information system plays an important role in the decision-making process because it shows us the way, method, process, and procedure to identify the alternatives, collect the data, analyze the data and take proper decisions.


  1. Helpful topic for vocational course and so no. Thnku for sharing this helpful topic ..

  2. Thank you for sharing the topics that is also helping the people to be aware of the things that they should perform in a particular manner to achieve the best results among all


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